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Volume 7
Journal of Pain & Relief
ISSN: 2167-0846
Pain Management 2018
October 11-12, 2018
October 11-12, 2018 | Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference and Exhibition on
Pain Research and Management
Peripheral nerve trauma in the pig, a model for neuropathic pain: Evaluation of evoked and
spontaneous pain
Sigal Meilin
, Castel David D V M
Itai Sabbag
MD Biosciences, Israel
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
Lahav Research Institute, Israel
odent models are frequently used in the research of pain and continue to provide valuable data on the mechanisms driving
pain although criticized due to limited translation ability to human conditions. Previously we have suggested expressed
mechanical and tactile allodynia, indicative of painful neuropathy 28 post-surgery peripheral nerve traumas (PNT). In this
study we investigate the spontaneous behavior of the pigs following PNT induced neuropathic pain. Computerized monitoring
system was used to evaluate the changes in the open field test in addition to a applying a composite behavior scoring system.
The data suggest the PNT operation did not affect the animal’s ability to walk as the total distance walked by PNT animals was
not different than the total distance walked by Sham operated animal. However, PNT animals expressed a significant change
in pattern alteration. This effect was unrelated to the time that the animals spent in the open field. Following treatment with
different drugs (Morphine, Buprenorphine or Gabapentin) the walking pattern of the animals in the open field changed in a
drug specific manner. Also, the detailed behavior score revealed drug specific changes following treatment. Pharmacokinetic
analysis of the 3 tested drugs blood and CSF concentration was correlated with the behavior analysis. Over all the data of this
study suggest that the open field test together with the detailed behavior score applied in this model are a very powerful tool to
assess the spontaneous behavior of pigs following PNT induced neuropathic pain.
Recent Publications
1. Castel D, Sabbag I, Brenner O and Meilin S (2016) Peripheral Neuritis Trauma In Pigs: A Neuropathic Pain Model.
Journal of Pain 17(1):36-49.
2. Meilin S, Machicao F and Elmlinger M (2014) Treatment with actovegin improves spatial learning and memory in rats
following transient forebrain ischaemia. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 18(8):1623-30.
3. Castel D, Willentz E, Doron O, Brenner O and Meilin S (2014) Characterization of a porcine model of post-operative
pain. European Journal of Pain 18(4):496-505.
4. Castel D, NavehM, Aharon A and Doron O (2015) Prolonged analgesic effect of PRF-108 and PRF-110 on post-operative
pain in pigs. Pain and Therapy 5(1):29–42.
5. Castel D, Sabbag I and Meilin S (2014) The effect of local/topical analgesics on incisional pain in a pig model. Journal of
Pain Research 10:2169-2175.
Sigal Meilin has passion over 20 years in the understanding of neuro-degeneration and pain processes. Her research focus has been on exploring and creating models
of pain including translational models in post incision wounds in pigs which closely mimics humans’ condition. She holds a PhD from Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv, Israel
where she continued her research involving multi-parametric monitoring of the living brain and the cross talk between the immune system and the neuronal system in
neurodegenerative disease. She was the Leader of the Pharmacology Department of Pharmos Ltd, prior to joining MD Biosciences in 2006.
sigal@mdbiosciences.comSigal Meilin et al., J Pain Relief 2018, Volume 7
DOI: 10.4172/2167-0846-C1-020