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Volume 7

Journal of Pain & Relief

ISSN: 2167-0846

Pain Management 2018

October 11-12, 2018

October 11-12, 2018 | Zurich, Switzerland



International Conference and Exhibition on

Pain Research and Management

J Pain Relief 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2167-0846-C1-021

Connecting occupant kinematics to neurological injury and chronic pain in whiplash: Associated

visual, auditory and balance disorders in low speed rear impact collisions

Jason Mazzarella

Director North American Spine Institute, Canada


isual, auditory and balance disorders are common symptoms reported after a motor vehicle accident and are typically

misdiagnosed as concussion related symptoms. This miss categorization of symptom causation can lead to the

development of chronic pain based on the neurological response to continued nervous system over-stimulation. Nervous

system hypersensitivity occurs due to spinal wind-up resulting in overstimulation of the dorsal root ganglion due to continued

intermuscular c-fiber stimulation. Continued activation of intermuscular c-fibers can result in sensitization due to the presence

of ischemic conditions in the muscle, which then leads to the development of trigger points. This continued C-Fiber stimulation

of the spinal cord, results in continuous excitation of wide dynamic range neurons (WDRN) whose primary responsibility is

to receive and monitor input from a beta type nerve fiber. A beta nerve fiber provides proprioceptive information to the dorsal

column; however when acute pain converts to chronic pain, this proprioceptive information stops and pain transmission

begins along this pathway. As proprioception is incorporated into our vestibulo-ocular and vestibulo-spinal reflex, continued

excitation of WDRN activating a-beta type fibers can lead to visual, auditory and balance disorders post motor vehicle accident.