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Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Pain Relief, an open access journal

ISSN: 2167-0846

Pain Management 2017

October 05-06, 2017



International Conference and Exhibition on

October 05-06, 2017 London, UK

Pain Research And Management

Thoracic epidural anesthesia and analgesia reduce postoperative ileus after retroperitoneal

laparoscopic urological surgery

Chih Jen Hung, Kuang Hung Chen


Chih Chen Wu

Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan

Statement of the Problem:

Postoperative ileus (POI) is a transient impairment of bowel motility following surgery. The etiology

of POI is complex; it is primarily associated with the surgical stress response, an acute inflammatory response associated with

manipulation and endogenous opioids secreted within the gastrointestinal tract in response to surgical trauma. The anesthetic

management routines (e.g., opioid-sparing anesthesia and analgesia with epidural anesthesia and analgesia) that may result

in reduced time to gastrointestinal recovery and hospital length of stay. The present report is to assess the effect of thoracic

epidural anesthesia and analgesia for retroperitoneoscopic surgery on POI for urologic procedures.

Methodology &Theoretical Orientation:

A total of 34 patients underwent retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomies were recruited

for analysis.


The resumption of oral intake occurred more quickly in the group with thoracic epidural anesthesia and analgesia

than the group without epidural anesthesia and analgesia after operation. The hospital stay and total convalescence time were

similar for the two groups.

Conclusion & Significance:

The retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy under thoracic epidural anesthesia and analgesia reduces

the time to resuming normal oral intake for patients postoperatively. However, the retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy does not

significantly improve the length of hospital stay.

J Pain Relief 2017, 6:5(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2167-0846-C1-015