Volume 5, Issue 5(Suppl)
J Pain Relief
ISSN: 2167-0846 JPAR, an open access journal
Page 21
Pain Management 2016
October 03-04, 2016
October 03-04, 2016 Vancouver, Canada
International Conference on
Pain Research & Management
Hossam El Beheiry, J Pain Relief 2016, 5:5(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2167-0846.C1.010Current status of intrathecal therapy for cancer pain
t is estimated that each year in Ontario, Canada more than 1,600 cancer patients experience refractory pain at the end of
life, even when they are given maximal opioid and non-opioid pain therapy. Intrathecal drug delivery systems may be used
to manage such refractory or persistent cancer pain. Nonetheless, there is no definitive evidence that intrathecal treatment of
refractory cancer-related pain is superior to other modalities. In this abstract we investigated and reviewed the benefits, harms
and cost-effectiveness of intrathecal therapy compared with current standards of care for adult patients with chronic cancer
pain. Current evidence could not establish the benefit, harm, or cost-effectiveness of intrathecal drug delivery systems compared
with current standards of care for managing refractory cancer pain in adults. Moreover, the optimal timing of implantation,
selection of intrathecal medication and specific strategies for dosing and administration has not been well defined. The available
evidence showed that patients may have fewer drug side effects with intrathecal drug delivery systems, but they did not have
less pain. We also found that routine pain management costs less than intrathecal drug delivery systems, unless the patient uses
the system for 7 months or more. The latter is an important notion, since the increase in cancer survivorship will prompt the
need for long-term management strategy for chronic cancer pain rather than the existing short-term palliative care approach.
Hossam El Beheiry has obtained his Anesthesia FRCPC Specialty Certificate in Anesthesia in the year 1994. In 1990, he completed his PhD from the Department
of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, the University of British Columbia, Canada. He has also spent a year as a Fellow in Clinical Pharmacology at the University
of British Columbia. He is a trained Neuroanesthesiologist at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has authored many publications in Opioid
Pharmacology and Regional Anesthesia including complications of regional nerve blocks.
Hossam.El-Beheiry@trilliumhealthpartners.caHossam El Beheiry
University of Toronto, Canada