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Ophthalmology 2016

November 21-23, 2016

November 21-23, 2016 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology

Volume 7 Issue 9 (Suppl)

J Clin Exp Ophthalmol

ISSN: 2155-9570 JCEO, an open access journal

Elena Erokhina et al., J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2016, 7:9(Suppl)

Anatomo-topographic relationships of anterior eye segment structures in children with active stages of

retinopathy of prematurity

Elena Erokhina, Irina Trifanenkova


Alexander Tereschenko

MNTK Eye Microsurgery, Russia


22 preterm infants (217 eyes) with ROP at gestational ages 26-34 weeks underwent ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM): 44 eyes

(20%) with stage I, 35 eyes (16%) with stage II, 42 eyes (19%) with stage III, 49 eyes (22.5%) with stage IV. The control group

consisted of 20 premature infants (40 eyes) without ROP and other ocular diseases aged from 1 to 4 months. Clinico-morphometric

classification of ROP was used to interpret the results of the study. It provides a division of each stage of active ROP on favorable and

unfavorable types of course. Morphometric parameters at stages I and II had no differences with the control group. At stage III with

favorable type it was tended to reduce the depth of the anterior chamber (to 2.56±0.38 mm), a slight reduction of the thickness of the

iris in the pupillary zone (to 0.40±0.12 mm) was determined. At stage III with unfavorable type lens thickness increase (to 3.52±0.16

mm) was noted. At the periphery of the retina extrarational proliferation in all segments, except the nasal, were identified in 100%

areas of flat retinal detachment height to 0.20-0.35 mm were defined in 95%. At stage IV in postzonular space opacities like mist or

acoustically dense membranes were defined that was fixed to the retina at the periphery in 99% and in the area of pars plana in 78%.

UBM expands the data of ophthalmological examination that allows using it as a complementary tool for ROP management.


Elena Erokhina has completed her Ophthalmological studies in Kaluga Branch of FGAU MNTK Eye Microsurgery, Russia. She has published 5 papers in reputed
