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Volume 6, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Nurs Care

ISSN: 2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal

Nursing Edu 2017

May 22- 24, 2017

May 22- 24, 2017 Osaka, Japan



World Nursing

Education Conference

Validation of nursing activity score and nursing equivalent manpower use scale in Taiwan intensive care

units and exploring the appropriateness of nursing activities in ICU

Yann-Fen C Chao

Mackay Medical College, Taiwan


validation study was conducted in 2016 to evaluate the applicability of NAS and NEMS scales ICUs in Taiwan. The NEMS scale

constitutes a simplified version of the TISS-28 and consists of 9 items rather than 28. As reported in the literature, the average

TISS-28/NEMS score of a ICU patient was 23~28; a TISS-28/NEMS unit was equivalent to 10 minutes and a nurse can take 46

TISS-28/NEMS units in a shift. The nursing activities score (NAS) was developed in 2003. The score obtained when completing the

NAS results was a percentage of nursing time spent on direct patient care in a 24 h period; thus was used to calculate the nursing

manpower needed. NAS score explains 81% of nursing time in the ICU, whilst the TISS-28 only corresponds to 43% of that time.

NAS was widely used by European countries in nursing allocation for years and with research reports published. The pilot study

of this project included 375 subjects. The primary result revealed that NEMS scores of Taiwanese ICU patients were similar to the

Europeans. However, Taiwanese ICU patients had higher NAS scores. The estimated times for NAS items by Taiwanese ICU experts

were different from the coded time. It was indicated that the time consumed for NEMS and NAS items may need revision for different

countries and ICUs.


Yann-Fen C Chao completed her PhD study from Rush University College of Nursing in 1991. Currently, she is a Professor and Chair of Department of Nursing

at Mackay Medical College in New Taipei City, Taiwan. She published more than 100 research papers with 41 in SCI journals. She also has served as an Editorial

Board Member of an SCI journal. Her research areas were Patient Safety, Symptom Management and Nursing Education.

Yann-Fen C Chao, J Nurs Care 2017, 6:3 (Suppl)