Volume 04
Journal of Neonatal & Pediatric Medicine
Neonatal Nursing Congress 2018
May 14-15, 2018
Page 29
May 14-15, 2018 Singapore
Global Experts Meeting on
Neonatal Nursing &
Maternal Healthcare
A world’s first model of seamless Hospital2home maternal and child care
orderless Healthcare Group has developed a model of seamless care model from pregnancy planning to postnatal care
using a connected hospital model where healthcare professionals in the hospital can inter-operate with the caregiver,
mother and child at home using smart TV, smart phone, home robots, sensors and other internet of things. The platform also
allows the convergence of local and international experts borderlessly. Multilingual case managers will manage every case of
integrated care to ensure there is no language barrier during transmission. The ultimate aim of the platform is to generate
maternal and child care big data where artificial intelligence can be applied. A new form of epidemiology of always on live data
is expected to be derived from this platform which will herald a new era of predictive maternal and child care.
Wei Siang Yu is a globally renowned pioneer in healthcare TMT (Technology, Media and Telecommunication). He is the Founder and Executive Chairman of
Borderless Healthcare Group of companies which operates borderless healthcare initiatives around the world. He graduated as one of the top students at Monash
Medical School in 1995 and went against the conventional career path of an honors student to become a medical inventor in the space of digital bio-communication.
He has gained worldwide recognition in his work on social application of digital bio-communication and became the youngest nominee of CNN People’s Choice
Award in 2003.
wei@boderlesshealthcare.comWei Siang Yu
Borderless Healthcare Group Inc., Singapore
Wei Siang Yu, Neonat Pediatr Med 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.4172/2572-4983-C1-001