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Volume 9
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change
Natural Hazards Congress 2018
July 26-27, 2018
July 26-27, 2018 Melbourne, Australia
International Conference on
Natural Hazards and Disaster Management
A R Pavlenko, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume 9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C2-042
Possible ways to neutralize bio pathogenic radiation
A R Pavlenko
Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”, Ukraine
n our work we focus on the part of our accumulatedmaterial on the subject, illustrate a further impact of the Hartman net and
base stations of mobile phones on a living through the geodynamic zones. Geodynamic zone of the Earth are solar receptors
and techno pathogenic influences. Techno pathogenic effect, a set of factors and processes that have any kind of negative
effect or impact on living organisms resulting from scientific and technological progress of mankind. It was determined that
the installation of masts base stations and wind turbines at the intersection of the fault zones, which is a natural migration of
groundwater, or geo-pathogenic zone, causes the appearance of artificial radiation of these zones and the spread of radiation
occurs along areas faults or discontinuities along the axial in the soil. Constant exposure to natural and artificial radiations
can cause changes in behavior, the state of aggression or depression (sometimes to the point of suicide), constant fatigue, sleep
problems, partial loss of memory, problems with concentration, stress. All electronic devices generate like natural cosmogenic
fields-technical torsion fields. Large number of free radicals produces in the body under their influence. To prevent a negative
impact on the living need to harmonize the physical vacuum. The action of these harmonization devices is based on the
elimination of the asymmetry of physical vacuum components. Simple harmonizing device consists of several elements, which
were recorded the left and right torsion fields before. We have developed the device of the physical vacuum harmonization.
When the device is a plug in the power line network the physical vacuum is harmonized. It is necessary to pay much attention
to theoretical issues of influence of technical torsion fields on the human body and alive and biomedical research, one of the
main areas of the study natural and technical torsion fields must be brought to a new level.
A R Pavlenko has completed his PhD from Sevastopol Polytechnic Institute. He is the Director of Spinor International and Head of the Laboratory of the Electron
Devices and Chair at Kiev Polytechnic Institute. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals, 7 monographs, several patents of Ukraine, America and
France. He has been serving as a Member of the Editorial Boards of a scientific periodical
Ukrainian Journal of Physical Vacuum and Nature.