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Volume 21

International Journal of Emergency Mental

Health and Human Resilience

ISSN: 1522-4821

Mental Health 2019

March 07-08, 2019

March 07-08, 2019 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Mental Health and Human Resilience

Towards an understanding of substance use risk and prevention factors to promote mental health and

human resilience among high school age youth

Alexander Reznik

Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


ubstance use was studied among 537 Israeli male (76%; n=407) and female (24%; n=130) high school youth

(M age-15.0 years) from 2013-2016. A valid and reliable data collection instrument was used. Demographic

factors used for analysis were age, gender, country of origin (e.g., Israel, former Soviet Union, and Ethiopia), and

regular or residential school status. The study aim was to understand substance risk and protection factors that

may influence resilience to prevent substance use. For the entire study cohort, findings evidence current last 30

day cigarette smoking (37.6%); alcohol use (53.9%) including binge drinking (21.0%); as well as inhalant (5.5%)

and cannabis (3.9%) use. No differences were found among the youth based on gender status. Immigrant origin

youth reported higher levels of smoking, alcohol, cannabis and inhalant use than those with Israeli origin status.

Youth in residential facilities reported higher levels of substance use than those attending regular school. Family low

socio-economic and/or immigrant status were risk factors linked to substance use among residential school youth.

For both regular and residential high school youth, the main risk factors were easy access of harmful substances

and being involved with non-structured night activity. Religiosity and good relationships with family members and

friends were protection factors for both study groups. Study findings have relevance for policy, service provision, and

the training of program personnel to promote mental health and human resilence among youth.


Alexander Reznik is Senior Research Associate of the Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center, Ben Gurion University. He received his PhD from

the Russian Academy of Sciences - the Institute of Psychology, (Moscow). He has served in key education and research roles with the Far Eastern Federal

University and the Maritime State University (Russia). He is author of books and scientific publications on substance abuse among high risk populations

including issues of immigration, school dropout and acculturation. His research interests include multicultural aspects of substance abuse, resilience factors of

substance abuse and statistical methods in addictology.

Alexander Reznik, Int J Emerg Ment Health 2019, Volume 21

DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-027