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Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal
ISSN: 1522-4821
Mental Health 2017
June 21-23, 2017
Mental Health and Human Resilience
June 21-23, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Learning to become resilient: An empirical study on pathways
Ming-hui Li
St. John’s University, USA
Statement of the Problem:
The resilience process has been considered a learning process. Researchers indicated that resilience
is developed in the process of individual-environment interactions. The ability to learn from individual-environment interactions
(life experiences) may play an important role in developing resilience. Few if any studies have empirically explored the relationship
between life experience-learning (LEL) and resilience. This study addressed this gap in the literature.
Methods &Theoretical Orientation:
Based on literature on human resilience, this study has developed and evaluated a path model
that links attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, LEL, self-compassion, self-efficacy and resilience. Specifically, the study explored
(1) how are attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance related to LEL and resilience, (2) can LEL influence resilience directly
and indirectly through self-efficacy and self-compassion, (3) how stable are the relationships among the six previously mentioned
variables, under the influence of stress and generalized anxiety? A total of 187 participants took part in the study. Data were collected
using scales that have good validity and reliability. Structural equation modeling and Haye’s moderated mediation approach were
applied to analyze data.
Attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance each negatively influenced LEL and resilience. LEL could directly influence
resilience and indirectly influence resilience via self-efficacy and self-compassion. Neither stress nor generalized anxiety could
intervene direct and indirect effect from LEL to resilience.
Conclusion & Significance:
The direct and indirect relationships between LEL and resilience were stable and consistent they were
not changed by stress or generalized anxiety. Attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance each was more detrimental than stress
and generalized anxiety were negatively impacting the relationship between LEL and resilience. Practical implications: (1) Enhancing
LEL, self-compassion and self-efficacy can promote resilience and (2) Resilience programs can be more effective when they include
elements that can reduce the impact of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance.
Ming-hui Li is a Clinician, a Researcher, and a Professor. He is a licensed Mental Health Counselor in New York State and a licensed Professional Counselor in the
State of Pennsylvania. In addition, he is a National Certified Counselor and a Nationally Certified Psychologist in the USA. His clinical and research interests include
stress coping and resilience development. Some of his research projects on resilience are cross-cultural studies. He has published 18 articles in national journals
such as
Journal of Counseling & Development and Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development
and in international journals such as
International Journal
of Stress Management.
He has conducted 40 presentations at national conferences and 41 presentations in meetings at the local, regional or international levels.
lim@stjohns.eduMing-hui Li, Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-008