Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal
ISSN: 1522-4821
Mental Health 2017
June 21-23, 2017
Page 46
Mental Health and Human Resilience
June 21-23, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Thomas P Dooley, Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-007
PanX® drugs as PRN alternatives to addictive benzodiazepines for anxiety disorders
ast-acting and safer prn drug treatments for anxiety disorders are a significant unmet need in mental health. The recently
developed PanX® drugs were designed to address this unmet need. PanX® drugs are a patented “new class” of medicines
(www.PanX.us). The currently available PRNmedicines for anxiety disorders are benzodiazepines. However, benzodiazepines
are addictive and have the potential for abuse. As new alternatives to benzodiazepines, PanX® dual drug combinations
consist of a beta blocker and an antiemetic antimuscarinic agent. The beta blocker (e.g., Atenolol or Propranolol) antagonizes
epinephrine to reduce the cardiovascular symptoms of anxiety disorders, such as tachycardia and palpitations. The antiemetic
motion sickness component (e.g., Scopolamine) antagonizes acetylcholine to reduce the non-cardiovascular and central
nervous system symptoms, such as anxiousness, fear, avoidance, nausea and vomiting. By antagonizing the sympathetic
and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems simultaneously, PanX® drug combinations are intended to suppress the
multiplicity of symptoms of acute anxiety episodes. Furthermore, the active ingredients have been shown to be safe and
non-addicting over the past half century. In the United States multiple regulatory pathways are envisioned for the anxiolytic
products. Given that the active ingredients are already approved in other drugs, compounded pharmaceuticals have been
prescribed and have provided anecdotal evidence of a calming effect in humans. We are also pursuing clinical development
toward a US FDA approval. The products can be formulated for rapid effect by mucosal delivery (e.g., sublingual), among
other routes of administration. PanX® drugs are promising breakthrough medications intended as fast-acting and safer
alternatives to benzodiazepines for the treatment of acute anxiety episodes.
Thomas P Dooley is the author of
Praying Faith
Hope When Everything Seems Hopeless
Half-Truths are Lies
. He is the Founder and President of Path Clearer Inc.,
and has been a Co-Founder and/or Board Member of various Judeo-Christian Ministries and other nonprofit organizations. He is a frequent guest contributor to television,
radio and print media. He is an Entrepreneurial Biomedical Research Scientist and has served in various leadership roles in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry
and in academia. He was the Founder and CEO of IntegriDerm Inc. and ALtruis LLC, and the recipient of an Endowed Chair Position at Southern Research Institute.
tom@tomdooley.orgThomas P Dooley
Trends in Pharma Development, USA