Volume 9
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Page 12
September 19-20, 2018 Singapore
World Congress on
Mass Spectrometry and Analytical Techniques
Mass Spectra & Analytika 2018
September 19-20, 2018
Ionic liquids as stationary phase in GC: An innovation for improving food, environmental and
petrochemical analysis
onic liquids are organic salts with low melting point, which are liquid at room temperature. These liquids are unique
combination of organic cations and anions and can provide a variety of different chemical properties that are beneficially
used as solvents, sealants or electrically conducting liquids. When used as stationary phases in capillary gas chromatography
these properties provide completely different selectivity’s than conventional phases. The application of di- and polyionic
liquids for GC has especially led to a breakthrough in stability and maximum temperature. The majority of the polyionic
liquid phases that we have been evaluating possess polar and highly polar properties similar to polyethylene glycol based or
biscyanopropylpolysiloxane based GC phases. This work focuses on the fundamentals of this innovative GC stationary phase
technology. The selectivity differences compared with conventional stationary GC phases will be presented. This different
selectivity results often in increased resolution and/or shorter run times. Recent Solvation Parameter Model (SPM) evaluations
indicate that only ionic liquid columns are capable of simultaneously providing intense H-acceptor and intense H-donor
interactions, along with dipolar and pi-pi interactions. These phases have been investigated for a number of different samples
including petrochemical, environmental and food and beverage. Due to the unique selectivity the new ionic liquid GC phases
enable superior separation of in these application areas. Even the analysis of the water content of the injection of aqueous
samples using gas chromatography is now possible with the GC columns based on ionic liquids.
Frank Michel has received his Diploma and PhD in Analytical Chemistry from University of Muenster on HPLC development. He has then led the HPLC lab of
Bernina Biosystems, a biopharmaceutical company in Munich, Germany. He returned in 2010 to Sigma-Aldrich as Analytical & Chromatography Technology
Specialist. Since 2015, he supports APAC region as Analytical and Chromatography Scientific Advisor. He is a Member of Separation Science working group in the
German Chemist Society (GDCh) and Scientific Advisory Board of Analytix conference.
frank.michel@sial.comFrank Michel
Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH (Merck Group), Germany
Frank Michel, J Anal Bioanal Tech 2018, Volume 9
DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872-C2-029