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Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy |ISSN: 2332-0877 | Volume 6
June 25-26, 2018 | Vancouver, Canada
International Conference on
Infection, Disease Control and Prevention
International Conference on
Microbial Pathogenesis & Infectious Diseases
The importance of establishing a differential diagnosis in vesicular diseases (HSV infections, dyshidrosis,
ifferential diagnosis is one of the basic pieces of knowledge of every physician, including a dermatologist. Failure in this
extraordinarily important area leads to prolongation of problems in an affected patient, their social isolation, higher
expenses, or, unfortunately, also to fatal outcomes. It is true that some dermatoses, especially those with vesicular or bullous
manifestations, may lead also an experienced dermatologist to erroneous conclusions, which complicates the course of disease
and causes even more severe secondary diseases - as shown in the presented case reports. Impetigo and impetiginisation of
other dermatoses may be hard to diagnose and treat, especially when the course is bizarre and complicated. This seemingly
banal disease must not be underestimated and we must master the bottlenecks of differential diagnostics.
Hana Zelenková has been active in the field of Dermatovenerology since 1973. Since 2000 she has been directing her own Private Clinic of Dermatovenereology.
Professional orientation: aesthetic dermatology, acne and facial dermatoses, medicinal mycology (nail diseases), wound management, psoriasis, employment of
Ichthyol and carboxytherapy in dermatology. She is a coordinator of many international multicentre trials. More than 555 expert lectures in the Slovak Republic as well
as abroad, 440 scientific publications. Co-author of the dermatocosmetic formulae containing Ichthamol and glycyrrhizinic acid. Author of the book “Carboxytherapy”
(2015), translated into 4 languages. Regularly invited to deliver lectures at international congresses. Founder and President of the Slovak Society for Aesthetic and
Cosmetic Dermatology (SSEDK), organizer and President of the traditional international DERMAPARTY congress. Since 2006 Vice-President European Society of
Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dermatology, since 2007 President of the European Society of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dermatology.
zelenkova@vl.skZelenkova Hana
DOST Svidník, Slovakia
Zelenkova Hana, J Infect Dis Ther 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C2-040