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Volume 6

Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy

ISSN: 2332-0877

Infection Congress 2018

March 01-02, 2018

Page 38




March 01-02, 2018 Berlin, Germany



International Congress on


Zlatko Dembic, J Infect Dis Ther 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-037

Tuberculosis risk is spread within the hallmarks of the disease

Statement of the Problem

: Heritable susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB) is complex and polygenic in nature. Only five to ten

percent of humans that come in contact with the bacterium

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

(Mt) will manifest the disease, provided

no acquired- or congenital immunodeficiency were present. We still lack a viable explanation for the observed epidemiologic fact.


: Activation of macrophages via proinflammatory cytokines IFN-v and interleukin (IL)-17 can kill intracellular bacteria

such as Mt. Instead, macrophages stimulated by the Toll-like receptor (TLR)-10 agonists show an anti-inflammatory effect. The

TLR-10 acts by inhibiting the TLR-2 signaling from the cell membrane. The TLR-2 is the Mt-binding protein by which activated

macrophages can internalize (and kill) Mt. Inactivation of the TLR-2 protein might convey a risk for developing the disease. This

was supported by our finding that TLR2 gene polymorphisms, which either inactivate the TLR2 gene product or have a dominant-

negative role in TLR-2-signaling, associated with elevated risk for tuberculosis in the Croatian Caucasian population.


: The genome-wide study found that three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the HLA class II loci were

significantly associated with TB; suggesting that adaptive immunity is of paramount importance for defense against TB. In our

studied population, SNP in the TLR10 gene was associated with risk for TB, analyzed by the dominant model of inheritance.

However, this was contrasted by the fact that SNPs in the IL17A&F genes were not.

Conclusion & Significance

: Studying genetic risk by association analyses or genome-wide screening led us to propose that

clinical manifestation of TB is a state above certain risk-threshold. Threshold is reached by accumulation of seemingly minor

susceptibilities divided between the hallmarks of the disease (Fig 1). The model suggests that every human population has its own

mosaic of genetic risks for TB.

Recent publications

1. Bretscher P A et al. (2017) Immune class regulation and its medical significance part II of a report of a workshop on

foundational concepts of immune regulation. Scand J Immunol 85:242-250.

2. Sveinbjornsson G. et al. (2016) HLA class II sequence variants influence tuberculosis risk in populations of European

ancestry. Nature genetics 48:318-322.

3. Vrbanec J et al. (2016) Genetic risk of tuberculosis is spread within the hallmarks of the disease. Immunother Open Acc


4. Bulat-Kardum L. et al. (2015) Genetic polymorphisms in the toll-like receptor 10, interleukin (IL)17A and IL17F genes

differently affect the risk for tuberculosis in Croatian population. Scand J Immunol 82:63-9.

5. Etokebe G E et al. (2010) Toll-like receptor 2 (P631H) mutant impairs membrane internalization and is a dominant

negative allele. Scand J Immunol. 71:369-381 (2010).

Zlatko Dembic

University of Oslo, Norway