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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

J Blood Disord Transfus

ISSN: 2155-9864 JBDT, an open access journal

Hematologists 2017

May 08-09, 2017



World Hematologists Congress

May 08-09, 2017 Barcelona, Spain

Zaza Mtvarelidze et al., J Blood Disord Transfus 2017, 8:2(Suppl)

Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II revealed in Georgia

Zaza Mtvarelidze


, Kvezereli-Kopadze A


, Kvezereli-Kopadze M



D Rexviashvili



Children New Clinic, Georgia


G. Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic, Georgia


The congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA) is a rare hereditary disorder, characterized by ineffective erythropoiesis

and distinct morphologic abnormalities of erythroblasts in the bone marrow. This study was carried out to investigate infant with

CDA type-II and make long-term observat on.


A full term infant, aged seven month, presented with pallor and jaundice of the skin, moderate splenomegaly and severe

anemia was enrolled in the study. Pallor appeared in the five month of life, which was not interpreted correctly. Profound anemia

revealed by sevenmonth of age, at the time of admission. Investigations include: detailed history and physical examination, information

about used medications, complete blood count with red cell indices, reticulocyte count, iron metabolism, bilirubin, liver and kidney

function tests, bone marrow examination, abdominal ultrasound, parvovirus B19 antibodies, measurement of hemoglobin F, folic

acid and vitamin B12 levels and acidified serum lyses test. We made packed red cell transfusions each month as a result of profound



Based on clinical and para clinical data analyses and catamnestic observation, this case was diagnosed with CDA type-II.

Diagnostic criteria were: Evidence of congenital chronic anemia with law reticulocyte count for the degree of anemia; increased

serum iron and ferritin levels, indirect hyper-bilirubinemia and; typical morphologic abnormalities of the erythroblasts (CDA

erythroblasts-30%) in the bone marrow. Acidified serum lyses test was positive.


We had a chance to observe infant with CDA type-II. This rare diagnosis was raised for the first time in Georgia. Anemia

was non-responsive to iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. The diagnosis of CDA should be suspected in case of refractory anemia of long

duration with a low reticulocyte count for the severity of anemia, features of iron overloud, bi-nucleated normoblasts. Early diagnosis

of the disease will allow us to prevent iron abundance caused by multiple blood transfusions. Only curative treatment is allogeneic

bone marrow transplantation which is currently not possible due to the absence of HLA-compatible donor. The observation on this

patient and blood transfusion has been continued per month.


Zaza Mtvarelidze is a Pediatric Hematologist of Children's New Clinic.Tbilisi.Georgia. For 20 years he has been working on the problems of inherited and acquired

anemias in children. He has published 58 articles on this problem in Georgian and European medical Journals. He is the author of two Monographs: Anemia in

Children and Iron Deficiency Anemia in Children. In recent years he had become interested in the beta-Thalassemia Major