Volume 5, Issue 4 (Suppl)
Occup Med Health Aff
ISSN: 2329-6879 OMHA, an open access journal
Health Congress 2017
October 16-17, 2017
Page 15
October 16-17, 2017 Dubai, UAE
World Congress on
Industrial Health, Healthcare and Medical Tourism
Integrated model of nursing education, practice and management for quality patient care
Statement of the Problem:
Testing of an integrated model of nursing education, clinical practice and management through
nursing research. Despite education and practice being viewed as inseparable concepts, an education-practice gap still exists
in nursing. Bridging the nursing education, practice and management through nursing research will build a positive work
culture among educators and practitioners which would lift up the standard of patient care. The purpose of this study is to
strengthen the quality of patient care through integration of nursing education, service, management and enhancing evidence
based nursing practice (EBP).
Methodology &Theoretical Orientation:
The objectives of the study were to assess the existing nursing service in the hospital,
to develop a model with integrated approach, to test the integrated model for its effectiveness and to stabilize the pattern of
integrated practice based on the results of the study. An integrated framework was utilized to focus on the interaction between
the administrators and the nursing personnel to understand the relationship and the context in which the integrated model
works for better quality patient care.
Implementation of integrated model in nursing brought out the following important outcomes. Improved patient
care, emotional safety for nursing personnel, earlier identification of changes in patient’s condition, reduced workload for
clinicians as they care for the same patients, better communication among disciplines and with physicians.
Conclusion & Significance:
The organization felt a need for continuing this integrated model to implement evidence based
practice through nursing research. The institution has become a role model for many other medical college attached hospitals
in South India and in particular Puducherry and Tamil Nadu.
1.Mary, Linda and Joan (2014) Developing dual role Nursing staff- clinical instructor: A partnership model.
; 44 (2): 65-7.
2.Sharma (2013) Textbook of Nursing Education. Jaypee: 12-15.
3.Polit (2013) Essentials of Nursing Research, Lippincott, 8th edition; 265-78.
4.Jogindra Vati (2013) Nursing management and Administration, Jaypee: 93-97.
Rebecca Samson is a peer team member for the National Assessment and Accreditation Council and on the board of faculty selection for various institutions/
universities. She has also presented numerous papers and given keynote addresses and has organized workshops and conferences at state, national and
international level. She has authored three books besides being Editor of two journals, developed four manuals in clinical nursing and has received seven awards
from various organizations including the prestigious-National Florence Nightingale award from President of India in 2016 and the recent one as Best Educationist
in 2017.
gudurirebecca@yahoo.comRebecca Samson
Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Rebecca Samson, Occup Med Health Aff 2017, 5:4 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6879-C1-036