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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Palliat Care Med, an open access journal

ISSN: 2165-7386

Geriatrics 2017

September 4-5, 2017

September 4-5, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Geriatrics Gerontology & Palliative Nursing



International Conference on


Varsha Reddy Jayar


, T K Biswas



Dattatrai More



M G M Institute of Health Sciences, India


Society tends to hold the idea that older people simply do not participate in or enjoy sex as much as younger people.

Sexual function and activity in old age have been inadequately studied the world over. It is important to know that aging processes are

not confined to persons beyond the age of 60 years; many changes in the elderly have their antecedents in the middle age. One study

even showed that a significant amount of the elderly has pronounced their sex lives over at around age 50 to 60. Although sex might

not be as taboo as it used to be, the idea of sex as one gets older is still clouded with myths and uncertainty.


This study determines the patterns of sexual activity and function in individuals over 60 years of age. It also discusses the

barriers such as chronic illness, cultural barriers and myths that may interfere with sexual function.

Materials and Methods:

A study of subjects above the age of 60 years from a senior citizens group in the outpatient department of

Geriatric Medicine (OPD) of MGM a teaching hospital in Mumbai, by interviewing 200 individuals who attended the OPDs, after

taking their informed consent. Socio-demographic and other information on their sexual function and activities were obtained. Data

was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences v15.


72% individuals above 60 were sexually active, while only 57% above 70 were active. Others had become completely abstinent

at some time in their lives. Statistical analysis revealed significant gender, health and educational status based differences in the



Many factors support the myth that older people are asexual: limited access to information from their youth to the

present day, the physiological changes connected to aging itself, religious precepts and family oppression. However, further studies

and actions directed at this population are important to promote the health of the elderly. Our study showed significant presence of

sexual desire, activity and function even after the age of 60 years; a decline by the age of 70 and above was a finding that reflected more

in women. Chronic illness did affect sexual function and desire.


Varsha Reddy (International Healthcare Management), a Post graduate student of M.D Geriatric Medicine has been associated with Geriatric healthcare delivery

across United Kingdom and India. She has managerial experience in NHS in Heartlands Hospital Birmingham, George Elliot Hospital Nuneaton and Whippscross

Hospital London, where she contributed voluntary services in holistic healing promoting wellness. While pursuing MD Geriatric Medicine in M.G.M Institute of Health

Sciences, Navi Mumbai ; she pioneered the “Helping Hands” program which focuses on senior citizen self support groups which deliver peer assistance within

the community providing philanthropic services. She has initiated efforts in Tele-medicine, Polypharmacy and contingency management approaches for Geriatric

care with special interest in sexuality in elderly, communication skills with elderly and Geriatric cosmetology. She is the recipient of the Ministry of Health Award for

Volunteer work in Earthquake Relief, in addition to the many accolades for sports and educational achievement.

Varsha Reddy Jayar et al., J Palliat Care Med 2017, 7:5(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7386-C1-011