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Volume 7, Issue 3 (Suppl)
J Gastrointest Dig Syst, an open access journal
ISSN: 2161-069X
Gastro 2017
June 12-13, 2017
June 12-13, 2017 Rome, Italy
J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2017, 7:3(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C1-050
Irritable bowel syndrome and microbiota: Preliminary study on correlations between gut bacteria,
Dientamoeba fragilis, Blastocystis and eating habits
Munkhtsetseg Banzragch
Acibadem University, Turkey
iagnosing IBS can be challenging for the physician, due to the potential for overlap between the symptoms that sufferers report
and those of organic gastrointestinal conditions such as coeliac disease, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, bile acid diarrhea,
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, inflammatory bowel disease and even colorectal cancer. Several studies have examined the yield of
diagnostic testing for these conditions in individuals with symptoms suggestive of IBS, but clear evidence for the routine exclusion
of any of these disorders, with the exception of coeliac disease, is lacking. Attempts to identify a biomarker for the condition have,
to date, been unsuccessful. Medical treatment for IBS is considered to be unsatisfactory as placebo response rates in treatment trials
for IBS are high, perhaps because there is no structural abnormality that can be corrected by successful therapy, and therefore any
benefit following treatment is often assessed by an improvement in global symptoms, an endpoint that may be less objective than
those used in trials conducted for organic diseases. Because of this huge variation in IBS sampling, meta-analysis has erupted using
more and more samples from all over the world. Pooled sensitivity of these individual symptom items ranged from 39 to 74%, and
pooled specificity from 45 to 77%. This preliminary research leads us to a topic outside the scope of what we have originally intended.
In the beginning, we have several hypothesis related with IBS and parasites. In the end, we have been amused by dynamic nature of
microbiome and the roles of microorganism can be addressed misguidedly to terms like “parasitism”, “mutualism”, “commensalism”
and opportunistic pathogenicity. Although we do not have enough sample size for addressing valid prediction, we have enough
statistical results for carrying on further microbiome research. Starting without preliminary research may misguide researcher to
dead end. With the current preliminary work, we have enough results to set up microbiome consortium for gastrointestinal diseases.
In the future, we will also include metabolomics and deep NGS sequencing and will validate our new prediction models with qPCR
experiments. New prediction models will be created with increased sample size and coupled with metabolomics. We will be pleased
to integrate immunological researchers in future microbiome consortium for gastrointestinal diseases.
bmutse@hotmail.comIntraductal tubulopapillary pancreatic head carcinoma on the background of ITPN with total pancreas
involvement, complicated with massive GI bleeding and jaundice: Case report and review of the literature
Viacheslav Egorov
, Esposito
, Ratnikova N K
, Starostina N S
, Petrov R V
Kosheleva O K
Bakhrushin Brothers Moscow City Hospital, Russia
Technical University of Munich, Germany
Intraductal tubulopapillary neoplasm (ITPN) is a very rare pancreatic tumor. A 36-year old woman was referred to ICU department
of our hospital for massive upper GI bleeding and jaundice. After stabilization CT and endoscopy showed a non-mucinous tumor
of the pancreatic head invading duodenum with a large crater of the vertical branch. Intraductal spread along the pancreas was
suspected without any sign of dissemination. Six days after decompression of bile system and correction of coagulopathy Whipple
procedure was performed and pancreatectomy was completed because of repeated positive margins on the levels of pancreatic
body and tail. Uneventful postoperative course was done. 38 disease–free months after total duodenopancreatectomy, this woman
successfully gave birth to the healthy child. Histopathology revealed massive intra-ductal tubulopapillary carcinoma of the pancreatic
head with invasion of the duodenum on the background of ITPN of the pancreatic body and tail. This is the 31
description of ITPN,
the first case of such a tumor, complicated with massive GI bleeding and jaundice and the first case of successful childbirth after total
pancreatectomy for this type of pancreatic cancer.