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October 27-29, 2016 Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Food Processing & Technology
Volume 7, Issue 12 (Suppl)
J Food Process Technol 2016
ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal
Food Technology 2016
October 27-29, 2016
International database on commodity tolerance (IDCT)
Emilia Bustos Griffin, Guy Hallman, Abdeljelil Bakri
Walther Enkerlin
JB Trini, USA
n important factor for increasing the commercialization of phytosanitary irradiation (PI) is the adoption of generic doses in
international and national regulatory frameworks. A limiting factor to accelerating the use of PI is the availability of information
on commodity tolerance for the wide range of horticultural products that might be eligible for treatment with generic doses. The
International Database on Insect Disinfestation and Sterilization (IDIDAS) was developed by the Joint FAO/IAEADivision of Nuclear
Techniques in Food and Agriculture to provide information on the doses of radiation applied for these purposes to mites and insect
pests of crops and veterinary and human importance. It includes data on both the doses required for the (PI) of fresh and durable
commodities infested with specific pests, and also the radiation doses used to induce sterility in target pests, mainly for the application
of the sterile insect technique. The new IDCT database complements IDIDAS with commodity tolerance data for fresh horticultural
commodities including fruit, vegetables, flowers, roots and tubers. Tolerance data were extracted from scientific publications available
from 1960 to the present. Specific technical information was selected to identify the maximum doses for acceptable quality, the type of
radiation source, the dose rate, dose uniformity ration (DUR), and the optimal conditions for handling, storage, and transportation.
The availability of this information in the IDCT database greatly facilitates the process of identifying potential trade opportunities
using PI and helps highlight where commodity tolerance research has been done or is needed.
Emilia Bustos-Griffin has worked over 30 years in research on food irradiation as a phytosanitary treatment. Her work has resulted in irradiation doses that have
been globally adopted for fruit pests. Her research on free radicals was important for the evaluation of quality in spices and dried food. She has served as an
expert in Dosimetry standards with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) as well as a member of the national expert committee for the Official
Mexican Standard establishing doses for the irradiation of food in Mexico. She has been an expert in working groups for the North American Plant Protection
Organization (NAPPO) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) for the elaboration of regional and international standards for the use of irradiation
as a phytosanitary treatment. She represented Mexico for more than 10 years in the International Consultative Group for Food Irradiation with the International
Atomic Energy Agency.
emiliagriffin@yahoo.comEmilia Bustos Griffin et al., J Food Process Technol 2016, 7:12 (Suppl)