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Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Clin Cell Immunol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-9899

Euro Immunology 2017

June 29-July 01, 2017

June 29-July 01, 2017 Madrid, Spain




Immunology Conference

Chorea and aphasia as a manifestation of SLE in an adolescent female: Case report

Ortega-Alonzo S E, Portillo-Palma P A, Rubio-Pérez N E


Rodríguez-Pérez M L

Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, México


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, inflammatory and autoimmune disease with multi-systemic

involvement. Children represent 10-20% in the general population and neuropsychiatric symptoms have a prevalence of 17-70%.


Objective of the study was to describe the clinical presentation and neurological manifestations in a pediatric patient with SLE.


We present the case of a 15 year female with 3 week history of movement disorder, dysarthria and emotional liability.

Laboratory and imaging studies were performed and a diagnosis of Sydenham’s chorea was established. Following 4 weeks of

treatment, she developed arthritis and aphasia.


Radiologic evaluation did not show any disturbances, general laboratories were normal, immunological profile reported

anti-nuclear antibodies with a title of 1:640, fine speckled pattern, and lupus anti-coagulant reported 2.18.


Diagnostic evaluation of SLE in children represents a challenge due to its clinical heterogeneity; the time related to

adding signs during life and the wide severity of symptoms among pediatric population. Neurologic and psychiatric manifestations

represent one common and severe evolution in SLE. Choreic movements occur in less than 5% of patients and may precede the

accurate diagnosis for months and years, before the development of the whole clinical picture.

J Clin Cell Immunol 2017, 8:3(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9899-C1-037

Case with hypersensitivity pneumonia

Savas Gegin


Kamil Furtun

Samsun Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Hospital, Samsun, Turkey


Hypersensitivity pneumonia is an immunology based lung disease caused by antigens that are inhaled, characterized

by peripheric airway lymphocytic infiltration and granulomatous lesions that surround interstitium. It is an allergic lung disease

that develops as a result of the inhalation of organic dust. The most common form of this lung disease is pigeon fancier disease and

it develops as a result of the inhalation of some kinds of organic antigens. Pigeon fancier disease is a hypersensitivity pneumonia

that develops as a result of the stool of winged animals, serum and feather antigens. Not only pigeons in the first instance, but also

the other winged animals cause hypersensitivity pneumonia. The most important thing is not only to diagnose the clinical findings

and radiologic symptoms, but also to detect the exposure to such animals. Here, we are presenting the case that develops the pigeon

fancier hypersensitivity pneumonia and the treatment carried out.


65 year male patient, a farmer consulted the clinic as a result of having cough and difficulty in breathing. He had suffered from

these problems for two months. In physical examination, saturation via pulse oxymeter was %90. Bilateral rales were diagnosed in

respiration. Blood analysis was non-specific and in lung graphy, rise in nonhomogenous density on bilateral lower and middle zone

was detected. Respiration function test was seen as FVC 1.52 lt. %41 FEV1 1.52 %50 FEV1/FVC %129. Thoracic CT was carried out.

It was seen that there were areas with distinct common ground glass density, in bilateral lower lobes in CT (Picture 1). It was seen that

the patient had been a pigeon fancier for two months. The patient was diagnosed as having hypersensitivity pneumonia and 40 mg

methyl prednisolone was given to him for treatment. He kept himself away from pigeons from that day on. The dose of steroid was

reduced and finally at the end of the 4th month the patient was no longer given it. Via the control of thoracic CT of the patient, distinct

recovery was detected on ground glass density areas. (Picture 2) After the treatment, distinct clinic recovery was seen.


Hypersensitivity pneumonia develops as a result of the inhalation of organic dusts. Though the help of radiologic

symptoms cannot be ignored, the exposure of the patient to such animals has an important role in diagnosing. It is suggested that the

patients who are compatible with clinic and radiologic symptoms of hypersensitivity pneumonia, should also be inspected in terms

of exposure to such animals.