Volume 7, Issue 4(Suppl)
J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism, an open access journal
ISSN: 2161-0460
Euro Dementia Care 2017
September 18-19, 2017
Page 24
Dementia and Dementia Care
September 18-19, 2017 Dublin, Ireland
International Conference on
Karen Borochowitz, J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2017, 7:4(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C1-027
Counseling and guidance with one to one expert mentoring via Stuward
amilies receive expert counseling online to help work through concerns and tough decisions. Stuward also protects the
mental and physical health of family caregivers, who tend to neglect their own needs.
Karen Borochowitz background is in the corporate world where she worked as a Production Manager for a large pharmaceutical company and then moved to advertising
and marketing. Her mother Joyce, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 62 and passed away in 2011, 21 years after her diagnosis. Karen was actively
involved in her mother’s care. She has two adult children, a daughter and a son. In 2006, she was one of the founder members of DEMENTIA SA, an organization which
has grown enormously in the past years and which is affiliated to a number of international organizations.Karen is the recipient of many awards for her contribution to the
rights of people with dementia, the most recent of which is the Lions Club International Hero of the Year.
diretor@dementiasa.orgKaren Borochowitz
Dementia SA, South Africa