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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Chem Sci J 2017

ISSN: 2150-3494 CSJ, an open access journal

Euro Chemistry 2017

May 11-13, 2017

May 11-13, 2017 Barcelona, Spain



European Chemistry Congress

Melitta Patricia Kiss et al., Chem Sci J 2017, 8:2(Suppl)

Kinetic investigation of the formation of neodymium(III) porphyrin complexes

Melitta Patricia Kiss, Zsolt Valicsek


Ottó Horváth

University of Pannonia, Hungary


anthanide(III) ions offer good opportunities to examine the special properties of out-of-plane (OOP or sitting-atop=SAT)

metalloporphyrins, utilizing the well-known lanthanide contraction. Their insertion into the coordination cavity of porphyrin

ligand is a slow and complicated process in aqueous solution, originating from the high stability of their aqua complexes and oligomer

forms. As a consequence of the lanthanide(III) ions’ Pearson-type hard character, they can coordinate rather to the peripheral

substituent of porphyrin, if it possesses similarly hard O-donor atom (e.g. carboxy-, sulfonato-phenyl). Only under thermodynamic

control, at higher temperatures, can coordinate the metal ion also, or rather, to the four pyrrolic nitrogens; resulting in the formation

of typical metalloporphyrin complexes. SAT complexes can be used as photocatalysts in redox reactions, as photosensors in

the medical science in luminescence imaging and as polymer diodes in cancer treatment. We investigated the reaction between

the 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin and the neodymium(III) ion, as well as the effect of the ionic strenght, the

temperature and the potential axial ligands on these processes. The structures of different complexes were identified on the basis of

their UV-Vis absorption spectra. The bidentate O-donor acetate and glycol, as well as the monodentate ethanol and chloride don’t

dissociate from the metal ion, only monoporphyrin can form. In the presence of non-coordinating perchlorate anion, bisporphyrins

can form, too. At lower temperatures, the lanthanide(III) ions were not able to coordinate into the cavity of the macrocycle, to the

softer pyrrolic nitrogens, rather to the sulfonato groups, resulting in the formation of the free-base ligands’ tail-to-tail dimer. So the

coordination position of metal ion can be influenced by temperature.


Melitta Patricia Kiss got her MSc degree in chemistry at University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary. Now she is a PhD student at the Department of General and

Inorganic Chemistry at the same university. In her research work she studies the formation of lanthanide porphyrin complexes from equilibrial and kinetic aspects

since 7 years.