Volume 6, Issue 5(Suppl)
Epidemiology (Sunnyvale)
ISSN: 2161-1165 ECR, Open Access
Epidemiology 2016
October 3-5, 2016
Page 60
October 3-5, 2016|London, UK
International Conference on
Epidemiology & Public Health
here is no widely accepted conceptual framework for incorporating social causation and the role of social factors in
the biomedical physiological model that dominates contemporary epidemiology. Social epidemiology has contributed
significant insights about the distribution of disease and poses fundamental questions about disease pathology. The social
determinate of health literature emphasizes inequality across populations, but typically uses status measures (SES, SEP) rather
than socioeconomic deprivation (SED) to account for variability in health outcomes. This paper views population vulnerability
as the interaction of differential exposure and differential susceptibility related to SED. This paper reviews the sociology of SED
and explores plausible mechanisms of the disease process related to SED. Two indices of SED (Townsend Index, Neighborhood
Concentrated Disadvantage) are then used in three demonstrations of SED-related vulnerability: (a) differential exposure to
hazardous air pollution among U.S census tracts (1999-2005); (b) differential susceptibility to cardiorespiratory hospitalization
among the 566 towns in New Jersey (2000-2005) ; and (c) differential vulnerability to premature mortality among U.S counties
(1999-2008). Findings include support for construct and convergent validity of SED measures, and statistically significant
effects (beta coefficients) for SED after adjustment for population size and density: (a) greater environmental respiratory
hazard exposure (.17) among U.S. census tracts; (b) higher respiratory (.89) and cardiovascular (1.9) hospitalization among NJ
adults 25-64 years; and (c) increased premature all cause mortality (.44) among adults aged 35-64 in U.S counties. This paper
demonstrates how sociological models of SED can be incorporated into epidemiology and advances understanding of social
causation in the disease process.
Young graduated from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health as Master and Doctor of Public Health, with specialization in Epidemiology and
Social Medicine. He also took a Master’s degree in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University where he studied demography, biostatistics and quantitative
research methods as a doctoral candidate. His research focuses on the distribution of air toxic exposure, neighborhood health effects, and vulnerability to chronic
disease and health care disparities. He holds positions as Executive Vice President for Health Policy at Cooper University Health Care and Assistant Professor
in the Department of Medicine of Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, where he is Director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Social Medicine.
young@rowan.eduGary Stephen Young, Epidemiology (Sunnyvale), 6:5(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-1165.C1.013Gary Stephen Young
Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, USA