Volume 09
Otolaryngology: Open Access
ISSN: 2161-119X
Page 22
August 15-17, 2019 Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Craniofacial Surgery
European Otolaryngology-ENT Surgery Conference
ENT 2019
Craniofacial Surgery 2019
August 15-17, 2019
Stella Maris Cuevas, Otolaryngol (Sunnyvale) 2019, Volume 09
Stella Maris Cuevas
Cuevas Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Argentina
Olfactory Function on patients with CRS
yposmia and anosmia are frequent conditions related to rhinosinusal conditions. Some events as nasal polyposis,
mechanical obstruction and degenerative disturbances as smoking,recurrent infections, healing , chronic drug use
are other associated.
examination, imaging and the performance of olfactory test. Others as rhinomanometry as useful on the initial study
of the patients with olfactory disturbances. The main management of hyposmia and anosmia after a conscious study
includes corticosteroids used to eliminate and improve air, flow and permeability. But medical treatment is not only the
unique management, surgery is used on the improvement in patients with previous disorders.
The adecuate knowledge of approach to olfactory function by ENT professionals is the aim of this panel
Recent Publications
Mosaicism of Alpha-Synuclein (SNCA) Gene Rearrangements in unrelated cases of Multiple System Atrophy
with Predominant Parkinsonism (MSA-P): a Link between Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and Multiple System
Atrophy? JUNE 2014. Stockholm, Sweden. Daniela S Calvo, Claudia Perandones, Gabriela B Raina, Juan C
Giugni, Luis A Pellene, Ricardo Maiola, MD1 , Stella M Cuevas
Book Chapter: “Tratado de ORL Pediátrica “ Author: Profesor Dr Enrique Mansilla.Capítulo Olfacción en
Pediatría. Abril 2014.
Book Chapter: Co - Author Libro Pediatría Autores: Dr Luis Voyer – Raúl Ruvinsky – Carlos Cambiano Tomo
II sección 11 3ra Edición“ Enfermedades respiratorias “ VAS . 11.1 Capítulo Rinitis alérgica pág 821 – 822.
Publicado Junio 2011.
Mansilla.E, Cuevas. S. Avances en el Tratamiento de la Rinitis Alérgica”. Revista F.A.S.O (2001) 8;3
,Ricardo.MA,Cuevas.S Epidemiología de la poliposis nasal
Revista Fronteras en
2018;(1): 0018-0021 | Doi: 10.31954/RFEM/201801/0018-0021
Dr Stella Maris Cuevas is specialized in Smell disorders and has experience in Chronic Rhinosinusitis treatment and BAST- 24 management for the evaluation
of Smell Disorders in Latin America. She has participated in several events in Europe, United States and South America being one of the referents in her area.
President of Buenos Aires ENT Socitey. Currently she is working at Hospital de Clinicas Jose de San Martin in Buenos Aires, Argentina