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Volume 7

Biosensors Journal

ISSN: 2090-4967

Electrochemistry 2018

June 11-12, 2018

June 11-12, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on


Activated carbon felt and graphite felt as efficient electrode materials for sulfide removal from waste

water streams

N Sergienko


, O Gutierrez


, I Rodriguez Roda

1, 2


J Radjenovic

1, 3


Catalan Institute for Water Research, Spain


LEQUiA - University of Girona, Spain


Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, Spain


ulfide, a by-product of many industrial processes, causes a wide number of environmental problems. Electrochemical

treatment is one of the most emerging techniques used for its removal nowadays since it offers low cost treatment that

allows robust removal of sulfide

in situ

. In this study we evaluated the efficiency of low cost electrode materials such as activated

carbon felt (ACF) and graphite felt (GF) and proposed the mechanismof sulfide removal. In order to avoid electrode passivation

with sulfur, different electrode regeneration strategies were evaluated. Both materials enabled complete removal of sulfide, with

ACF requiring lower energy, i.e., 4.6x10


Wh/L compared to GF (11x10


Wh/L). Also, the mechanism of sulfide removal on

ACF and GF was different. Sulfide removal on ACF occurred mostly due to its rapid chemisorption, as a result of which pre-

adsorbed HS reacted with oxygen functional group on the ACF surface and formed elemental sulfur. The resulting sulfur was

incorporated into the ACF matrix and therefore it was not available for recovery. As for GF, chemisorption also occurred, but

it was slower and less efficient due to the smaller surface area of the material, lower concentration of oxygen functional groups

at its surface and higher GF hydrophobicity. In addition to chemisorption, other processes contributed to sulfide removal,

including electrochemical oxidation of sulfide to elemental sulfur and indirect oxidation to sulphate with oxygen produced

on the anode due to parasitic reaction. To recover the GF electrode, electrodeposited sulfur was successfully reduced

in situ

to sulfide/polysulfides. In this study, we confirmed that adsorption governs the process of sulfide removal when ACF is used

as an anode, while electro-oxidation likely plays a minor role. GF could be successfully applied for anodic oxidation of sulfide

present in wastewater. Moreover, the possibility of

in situ

regeneration of GF electrodes prolongs the lifetime of an electrode

and makes its application more sustainable..

Biosens J 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4967-C1-003