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Volume 7

Biosensors Journal

ISSN: 2090-4967

Electrochemistry 2018

June 11-12, 2018

Page 38




June 11-12, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on


Ralph Gilles, Biosens J 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4967-C1-001

How neutrons as a probe for

in situ


in operando

measurements support the understanding of

electrochemistry in Li-ion battery research


or a better understanding of the electrochemistry in batteries a huge demand emerge for

in situ


in operando


methods. Due to the high penetration depth and high sensitivity of neutrons to light elements as lithium such a probe is more

and more attractive in the last decade. This contribution gives an overview how neutrons with their unique properties contribute in

the development of new battery cells. During charging and discharging of NMC/graphite cells the intercalation of Li in the graphite

layers can be observed

in situ

with neutron diffraction (ND) as such measurements are sensitive to detect LiCx phases as LiC


and LiC1


during the intercalation/de-intercalation process. Under fast charging conditions and low temperatures the appearance

of Li plating can be studied. A correlation of C-rates and Li plating is investigated by means of voltage relaxation and

in situ


Batteries consisting of lithium iron phosphate (LFP) are often used for stationary energy storage systems. Here neutrons provide the

answer why various types of graphite result in losses of the storage capacity. On larger scales of >50 micrometer neutron imaging

(radiography and tomography) enables a non-destructive view inside the cell to make visible for example how the electrolyte filling

with the distribution of the electrolyte in the cell between the layer stacks in a pouch cell takes place. The use of neutron induced

prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) is a powerful tool to describe the capacity loss of the cell caused by tiny metal deposition

on the graphite anode after charging/discharging processes. The method of neutron depth profiling (NDP) is suited to study near

surface phenomena as the Li distribution in electrodes. A new set-up for NDP is currently under development to improve the space

resolution and to measure with a time resolved mode.

Recent Publications

1. Zinth V, V Lüders C, HofmannM, Hattendorf J, Buchberger I, Erhard S V, Rebelo Kornmeier J, Jossen A and Gilles R (2014)

Lithium plating in lithium-ion batteries at sub-ambient temperatures investigated by

in situ

neutron diffraction. Journal of

Power Sources 271:152-159.

2. V Lüders C, Zinth V, Erhard S V, Osswald P J, Hofmann M, Gilles R and Jossen A (2017) Lithium plating in lithium-ion

batteries investigated by voltage relaxation and

in situ

neutron diffraction. Journal of Power Sources 342:17-23.

Ralph Gilles

Technical University of Munich, Germany