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Volume 8

Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography

ISSN: 2157-7625

Ecology 2018

March 19-20, 2018

March 19-20, 2018 | Berlin, Germany

World Conference on Ecology

Germination of seeds from thornscrub species with respect to light and phylogeny

Joel Flores


, Jacinto Iracheta


, Jonathan Marroquín


, Horacio Villalon



Marisela Pando



Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico


Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Científica y Tecnologica, Mexico


ermination is crucial in the life of plants; they go from a quiescent stage to growing in a sometimes rapidly changing

environment. In arid and semiarid lands, moisture availability is a limiting factor that affects germination. Seeds in northern

Mexico semiarid zones tend to germinate quickly after rainfall or to do it under the canopy of other species arguably for protection

from immediate


explore influence or light quality and neighboring seeds on germination.The expectations are that

red light will mimic the light filtered by a tree canopy under natural conditions and that to avoid competition; seeds will germinate

more next to phylogenetically distant species than with their own species or close relatives. This study was developed using shrub

species from northeastern Mexico: Vachellia farnesiana, Cordia boissieri, Ehretia anacua, Havardia pallens, Celtis pallida and

Caesalpinia mexicana. In a separate experiment, we placed seeds from Acacia berlandieri, (Acacia) Vachellia farnesiana, Acacia

rigidula, Acacia Schaffneri, Acacia wrightii, Caesalpinia mexicana, Ebenopsis ebano, Havardia pallens and Prosopis laevigata to

germinate on their own, or with each of the rest of the species. Seeds were inside petri dishes in germinating chambers with

12/12 light, in a random design, with ten seeds in each replicate per species. We used direct light, 80% shade, darkness and red

plastic as light treatments. Germination was recorded daily. Ehretia anacua and Havardia pallens germinated in the three light

conditions. Caesalpinia mexicana germinated more in shade and darkness. Celtis pallida germinated more under light and shade.

For Vachellia farnesiana the number of germinated seeds was higher in direct light and in darkness. Cordia boissieri did not

germinate in any treatment. Germination was not affected by red light. Seeds of most species germinated equally placed on their

own or with other species thus germination was not influenced by phylogeny.

Recent Publications

1. Aragon Gastelum J L, Flores J, Yanez Espinosa L, Reyes Olivas A, Rodas

Ortiz J P, Robles Diaz E and Gonzalez F J (2017) Advantages of vivipary

in Echinocactus platyacanthus, an endemic and protected Mexican cactus

species. Journal of Arid Environments 141:56-59.

2. Aragon Gastelum J L, Badano E, Yanez Espinosa L, Ramirez Tobias H M,

Rodas Ortiz J P, Gonzalez Salvatierra C and Flores J (2017) Seedling survival

of three endemic and threatened Mexican cacti under induced climate

change. Plant Species Biology 32:92-99.

3. Arroyo Perez E, Flores J, Gonzalez Salvatierra C, Matías Palafox M L and

Jimenez Sierra C L (2017) High tolerance to high-light conditions for the

protected species Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus (Cactaceae). Conservation

Physiology 5(1):cox042.

4. Bauk K, Flores J, Ferrero C, Perez Sanchez R, Las Penas M L and Gurvich D E

(2017) Germination characteristics of Gymnocalyciummonvillei (Cactaceae)

along its entire altitudinal range. Botany 95:419-428.

5. Cuellar Rodriguez G, Jurado E and Flores J (2017) Seeds and seedlings from

isolated mesquite trees. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144:58-62.


Joel Flores is a Mexican National Research Scientist with recognition of level 3. He has a PhD since 2001 and has published over 80 papers on Ecology and

Ecophysiology of plants. His research has been cited over 800 times. He has supervised many undergraduate and graduate students at the IPICYT (the research

institution where he works) and also as an Invited Professor elsewhere.

Joel Flores et al., J Ecosyst Ecography 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625-C1-033

Figure 1:

a) Tamaulipan thornscrub. b) Five of the six

species germinated equally under the three treatments.

c) Seeds of two species placed in petri dishes for

germination trial. d) Vachellia farnesiana (ACFA)

showed the highest germination when competing

against others, kinship did not influence germination

between competing species.