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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Dent Implants Dentures, an open access journal

ISSN: 2572-4835

Dental Medicine 2017

October 16-18, 2017

October 16-18, 2017 New York, USA



Annual World Congress on

Dental Medicine & Dentistry

A forty-year perspective of dentistry: Past, present and future


entistry has undergone dramatic changes over the last forty years. From materials to management, from philosophy to

economics, Dentistry is a fluid profession. To understand where dentistry is today and where it will be tomorrow, we need

to look back to see where we have been? Dentists are challenged to be both businessmen and women as well as health care

professionals. We need to embrace change while maintaining some of the status quo of the past. As the world around moves

in different directions, the dental profession needs to find its own place in this dynamic model. As a profession, we have faced

many daunting challenges. But we have managed to purse these challenges with a great deal of energy and dedication. The

future for dentistry is bright but will, once again, test our ability to adapt not only as professionals but as a part of the wheel of



Cary Ganz has Graduated from NYU College of Dentistry in 1970 and received his Prosthodontic credentials from Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center in 1973. Until

recently, he was Co-Chief of Implant Dentistry and the Implant Fellowship Program at North Shore University Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center. From

1998 – 2001, he was an Owner and Vice President of DEXIS Digital Radiography and has been involved in this technology for over 15 years. He is the Author of “I

Love My Dentist” The Secret to Providing an Exceptional Patient Experience, as well as numerous articles on a variety of topics including implant prosthodontics,

lasers, practice management, advanced dental technologies and the Internet. He has lectured nationally and internationally and is on the Advisory Board and

Consultant to several dental manufacturers. He was also the Vice President of PlanetDDS, the creator and distributor of Denticon Practice Management Systems

and DentiGramtm, a new patient communication program. Currently, he is the President of Dental Assets, an online portal for dentists and dental staff. He has also

maintained an active private Prosthodontic practice specializing in Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry in Garden City, NY.

Cary Ganz

NYU College of Dentistry, USA

Cary Ganz, Dent Implants Dentures 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2572-4835-C1-001