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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

J Cytol Histol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2157-7099

Cytopathology 2017

June 21-22, 2017

Page 26





June 21-22, 2017 Philadelphia, USA



International Conference on

Cytopathology & Histopathology

Mari Yang, J Cytol Histol 2017, 8:2 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7099-C1-010

Transforming burnout to engagement by optimizing today’s dynamic medical laboratories


aboratory services may be considered the life source of health care and yet goes primarily unnoticed until an adverse event

arises. Laboratory services are vital in 65% to 70% of patient diagnoses by providing critical and timely medical test results.

Aside from professional obligations, laboratory personnel face an unprecedented time in healthcare resulting in significant

restructuring of the laboratory. The expectations for faster, more precise and technological advanced testing continue to

grow leading to extreme demands on medical laboratory services. Some of these expectations may translate to negative job

related effects such as burnout, increased staff turnover, absenteeism, job dissatisfaction and poor health. To mitigate these

challenges, personnel may benefit from access to development tools to alleviate employment pressures. Areas of focus will

include a comparative analysis of leadership styles. In addition, an optimization proposal will be offered through exploring

enhanced communication, team development and workplace culture. Despite the eminent rapid changes in healthcare coupled

with stringent workplace expectations, the medical laboratory team has the opportunity to transform and lead change with a

carefully developed plan.


Mari Yang is currently the Director of Anatomic Pathology and Cytology at Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital in Newport Beach, CA. She has graduated with a

Doctorate in Management and Organizational Leadership from the University of Phoenix in 2016. She is certified in Cytotechnology and Histotechnology with the

American Society for Clinical Pathology. She also did Masters in Health Administration and has been working in Laboratory Medicine for over 10 years. Her goal is

to elevate Laboratorians across the nation through education and modeling practices.

Mari Yang

Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, USA