Volume 6, Issue 6(Suppl)
J Gastrointest Dig Syst
ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal
Page 21
Clinical Gastroenterology 2016
October 03-05, 2016
October 03-05, 2016 Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Andrew Vaillant, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016, 6:6(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-069X.C1.039Nucleic acid polymers: Broad spectrum antiviral agents and their development as the backbone of
new antiviral therapies for the treatment of chronic HBV and HBV/HDV infection
ucleic Acid Polymers (NAPs) are an emerging antiviral technology with broad spectrum activity in a variety of enveloped
viruses. Through a novel, sequence independent application of oligonucleotide technology, NAPs are able to interfere with
entry and post entry mechanisms in many of the viral infections afflicting humans. The pharmacologic features of NAPs, the
mechanistic basis for their broad spectrum antiviral activity and their unique antiviral properties in HBV and HDV infection
will be discussed as well as their antiviral effects and ability to synergize with immunotherapy to achieve functional control of
infection in completed and ongoing clinical trials in patients with chronic HBV infection and HBV/HDV co-infection.
Andrew Vaillant is the Inventor of Replicor’s NAP technology and has more than 15 years of experience in viral biology, antiviral drug development and nucleic acid
chemistry. He has authored numerous publications and patents on the development and use of NAPs as agents to treat infectious diseases. He previously held
positions at two Montreal-area biotechnology companies. He was a Post-doctoral fellow at the Montreal Neurological Institute and holds a PhD in Cell Biology from
the University of Ottawa.
availlant@replicor.comAndrew Vaillant
Replicor Inc., Canada