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Volume 10

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Page 14




May 10-11, 2019 Bangkok, Thailand



World Climate Congress

Climate Congress 2019

May 10-11, 2019

Grid storage consideration for high penetration of wind and solar power


ind and solar energy are currently the most promising sources of grid electrical energy that can reduce carbon

dioxide emission into the atmospheric. Although electric grid penetration of both wind and solar are rapidly

increasing around the world, due to their unpredictable and intermittent nature energy storage will likely be needed in

order to provide grid power balance. In this study we model the grid storage requirements for high penetrations of wind

and solar power, examining the effects of combining wind and solar, drawing from a large geographical distribution of

sources and over capacity. We also examine the effects of a small dispatchable balancing power on storage requirements.

We use load data from the Midcontinent Independent SystemOperator (MISO) energy market that operates in the central

region of the United States for the years 2007-2010 as a case study. Solar and wind production is modeled using results

from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Solar and Wind Integration Data Sets. Our results show for optimized

solar to wind ratios large decreases in required energy storage capacity occur when the overcapacity is increased from 0

to 30%. Additional significant reductions in energy storage capacity occur when a small dispatachable balancing power

is allowed. However, the corresponding storage and balancing power capacities are a significant fraction of the solar and

wind capacities and have correspondingly low capacity factors.


James Robert Doyle is a Physicist who currently studies models of the electrical grid when high penetrations of wind and solar are present. He

also has spent most of his career studying materials for photovoltaic applications including hydrogenated amorphous silicon and germanium

and zinc oxide. He has completed his PhD in Physics from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1989 and Post-doctoral Research Associate

at the University of Illinois and has worked as a Faculty at Macalester College, USA.

James Robert Doyle

Macalester College, USA

James Robert Doyle, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2019, Volume 10

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C2-058