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Volume 10

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Page 38

Climate Congress 2019

May 10-11, 2019



May 10-11, 2019 Bangkok, Thailand



World Climate Congress

Safe water technologies to tackle climate change in Bangladesh

Shah Riazur Rahman

BRAC, Bangladesh


angladesh has made remarkable progress in providing basic water and sanitation services to people. It is

now estimated that 87% of people in Bangladesh have access to improved drinking water source and 61%

people in Bangladesh have access to improved sanitation. Bangladesh is the most vulnerable to climate change

and people in coastal belt struggle round the year to obtain safe water. Considering climate change impact

especially in coastal belt, BRACWASH program provided climate resilient water technologies through private

entrepreneurs in eight sub-districts. We developed 86 water entrepreneurs by installing reverse osmosis water

filtration techniques and thus we reached approximately 11,000 people within two years. We also ensured that

some water quality parameters tested (named as pH, arsenic, iron, manganese, chloride, total hardness, fecal

coliform) fromfiltered water before serving to the people. The test result showed no harmful material obtained

from water technologies. The diversification in water technologies is important to maximize the efficiency of

filter chamber and to reduce waste water which ultimately will increase profitability of water business. Also

we facilitated awareness raising program about climate change impact and disaster risk reduction and WASH.

The positive side of water technologies is that people now become more aware to purchase pure water instead

of free services and thus saline intrusion in the coastal belt has less impact in their livelihood. Both the

technological solution and behavioral change programmight bring healthy community in Bangladesh who is

most vulnerable to climate change in terms of sustainability.

J Earth Sci Clim Change 2019, Volume 10

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C2-060