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Volume 9

Climate Change Summit 2018

Journal of Earth Science & Climate Change | ISSN : 2157-7617

November 19-20, 2018 Paris, France



Global summit on

Climate Change

Communities level resilience from climate change in dry zone of Myanmar

Lian Khan Suum

BRACED Myanmar Alliance, Myanmar


ommunities in the dry zone regions in Myanmar are increasingly undergoing climate shocks and stresses. Higher temperatures, shorter

and more intense rain falls, and more frequent storms and cyclones mean that the communities are in high risk areas and are increasingly

at risk of loss of livelihoods. As climate extremes have worsened over the past years, communities have had to rely on coping strategies and

mechanisms such as migration, the sale of assets, community support structures and support from family networks in order to manage and

adapt to pervasive shocks and stresses. The rainfall is major source of the water here. Since there is forest degradation, there is huge impact

on climate change. The government staff of Department of Conservation and Forestry went to the village and shared the knowledge on

degradation of forestry, impacts on the environment and biodiversity along with the importance of forests and the causes and effects of soil

erosion. In order to reduce deforestation because of firewood cutting, the special project distributes firewood saving efficiency stoves with the

partnership of a private stove company. Education programs were conducted on multiple crop and subsidiary crop for the communities for

better resilience. The villagers are applied for community forest for their region.When there is less production of seeds in the farming land, the

villagers started going to work in oil camps and moved to another region (Yangon) to work for more income. Some of the villagers, who are

working outside, decided to sendmoney back to their family in village and some villagers sell their gold for short termresilience for their family.

J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C5-052