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Volume 9

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Climate Change Conference 2018

October 15-16, 2018

Page 21




October 15-16, 2018 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Climate Change and Medical Entomology


Incorporating environmental sustainability targets into the organizational competitive business

model of the 21




ver since the introduction of business environmental scanning frameworks in the late 1970s and early 1980s, business

leader’s entrained thinking was sculpted by their ability to apply a scanning framework based on analytical thinking,

primarily. These frameworks were largely based on the basis of breaking things into smaller manageable bits. An example

that comes to mind is that of the PESTLE framework. This framework taught strategists and scenario planners to view the

business environment through the filters of politics, economy, social trends, technology, legislation and environment (green),

as silo components of the larger business environment. This method consisted largely of listing the features of each component

without considering the interdependence, interconnectedness and interrelatedness between these components, an oversight

that largely led to an incomplete representation of the complete and whole business environment. Fast forward to 2018 and we

are confronted with environmental challenges of mammoth proportion, largely due the pursuit of business competitiveness

at the cost of the environment. To address the global environmental sustainability challenges facing humanity today, business

leaders need to fundamentally change the way they view, scan and analyze the environment. For this to happen, we need to

fundamentally change our thought paradigm about the environment within which we operate and conduct business. This paper

aims to introduce such a reframed framework through which businesses can scan the environment systemically, as opposed to

merely analytically, leading to a more complete representation of the environment and enabling competitive sustainability and

environmental sustainability to co-exist.


Steyn Heckroodt has completed his PhD from University of Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa. He is currently the Dean of Academic Affairs at Jumeira

University in Dubai and practicing Harvard Business School Publishing Moderator in the Mena region. He has many publications and has attended many

conferences. He contributed largely to the breakthrough in providing businesses with an enhanced scanning framework with a systems thinking approach, enabling

businesses to maintain their competitiveness amidst the larger environmental challenges presented in the 21



Steyn Heckroodt

University of Modern Sciences, UAE

Steyn Heckroodt, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C4-047