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Volume 7, Issue 9(Suppl)

J Earth Sci Clim Change

ISSN: 2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal

Page 63

Climate Change 2016

October 27-29, 2016




October 24-26, 2016 Valencia, Spain

World Conference on

Climate Change

Current and future satellite observations of aerosol types affecting human health


irborne particulate matter (PM) is currently recognized as a top environmental risk factor worldwide, responsible for

~3 million premature deaths per year. While PM is a well-known cause of heart disease, cardiovascular and respiratory

illness, low birth weight, and lung cancer, the relative toxicity of specific PM types-components having different sizes and

chemical compositions is currently poorly understood. Based on solid evidence that health effects depend jointly on PM

size and composition, the World Health Organization has stressed the importance of filling this gap in our understanding of

the associations between specific sources of PM types (both natural and anthropogenic), particle atmospheric transport, and

health impacts on a global scale. That knowledge would help to prioritize PM source-specific intervention and emission control

policies to maximize protection of human health. We will summarize PM information available from current generation of

aerosol-specific satellite instruments: MODIS (multispectral), MISR (multispectral, multi-angle), and POLDER (multispectral,

multi-angle, polarimetric), and review applications of these measurements for epidemiological studies. In addition, we will

discuss a pathway toward identifying the most toxic components of PM that occurred recently with the selection of the Multi-

Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) investigation as part of the NASA Earth Venture Instruments (EVI) program. MAIA is a

targeting instrument that will acquire observations over roughly a dozen globally distributed metropolitan areas with science

focused specifically on the PM types/health connection. This means that the MAIA targeted approach is a pathfinder toward a

more powerful, global, space-based aerosol and PM measurement system.


Olga V Kalashnikova is an aerosol scientist of Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and a science team

member of MISR, PACE and MAIA satellite teams. She graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder with a PhD degree from the Department of Astrophysical,

Planetary and Atmospheric Science (APAS) in 2002 and joined JPL in the fall of 2002 as a National Research Council Post-doc. She has been serving as a vice-

chair of COSPAR commission A since October 2012 and as a member of Atmospheric Observational Climate Panel since March 2016.

Olga V Kalashnikova

California Institute of Technology, USA

Olga V Kalashnikova, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2016, 7:9(Suppl)