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Volume 2, Issue 4 (Suppl)

Breast Can Curr Res, an open access journal

Breast Pathology 2017

August 23-24, 2017

August 23-24, 2017 Toronto, Canada



World Congress on

Breast Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis

Novel hyper methylated miRNA genes and its potential targets in breast cancer

Eleonora A Braga

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Russia


pigenetic mechanisms including DNA methylation and interaction between miRNAs and mRNAs are the most dynamic

mechanisms of genes deregulation in cancer. The aim of the study was to identify novel miRNA genes, regulated by DNA

methylation, and target genes involved in the apoptosis, in breast cancer (BC). We used 58 paired (tumor/normal) BC samples,

methylation-specific PCR, and quantitative PCR. Algorithms

of miR

Walk 2.0 database and the IBM SPSS statistics base 20

software package were used. We observed hyper methylation of 9 miRNA genes, and for the first time –

of MIR


127, -132,


and -


, and hypo-methylation

of MIR-191

. Using qPCR, we established a strong correlation between promoter

methylation and expression levels for 10 miRNA genes, demonstrating the functional importance of altered methylation

patterns. A strong association between hyper methylation

of MIR

-127 and


and BC progression, particularly metastasis

was found.The negative correlations were revealed between expression level alterations of 3 genes and 6 potential regulatorymiRNAs

for the following pairs:


–miR-124-3p, -212-3p, -24.2-5p;



-5p, miR-9;


–miR-375 (Rs=-0.43 - -0.32,

p≤0.01, p≤0.05). The results of transfection of MCF7 cell line with miR-124-3p duplex oligonucleotide analogues strengthened the

hypothesis on the direct or indirect interaction of this miRNAwithmRNA of the


gene. Thus, novel hyper methylated miRNA

genes and potential interactions of




, and


mRNAs with a number

of miR

NAs were identified that

could be useful as markers and potential targets in combined BC therapy.


Eleonora A Braga has completed her PhD at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bioorganic Chemistry Department. She has taken part in Russian Human

Genome Project and HUGO. She was an Invited Principle Investigator at Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden, 1999-2000). She has completed her full

Dr. of Biology Sc. at Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology in 2007. She is a head of Laboratory of Pathogenomics and Transcriptomics at Institute of

General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow, Russia. She has published more than 70 papers in reputed Journals.

Eleonora A Braga, Breast Can Curr Res 2017, 2:4 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2572-4118-C1-009