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Bioplastics 2016
November 10-11, 2016
Volume 7 Issue 6(Suppl)
J Bioremediat Biodegrad
ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal
November 10-11, 2016 Alicante, Spain
International Conference on
Sustainable Bioplastics
J Bioremediat Biodegrad 2016, 7:6(Suppl) makes cellulose auxetic?
Akwasi Asamoah
Formerly of the University of Exeter, UK
he 1D bundles of cellulose microfibrils (lignified flax fiber) and 2D networks of cellulose microfibrils form tunicate,
bacterial and microfibrillated celluloses were strained in tension, and their molecular deformation followed by Raman
spectroscopy in order to fully understand the origins and magnitudes of in-plane auxetics for the information of innovation.
Cellulose is found to exhibit three distinct yielding. Both crystalline and amorphous cellulose are found to be auxetic so long
as intermolecular hydrogen bonding remains intact. Auxetics of crystalline cellulose is found to be around unity (-1) while
that of cellulose amorphous is found to be around twice (-2) that of crystalline cellulose with the possibility of 1D bundles of
cellulose microfibrils registering auxetics higher than -7 in the absence of lignin. Though 2D networks of cellulose microfibrils
enhance strain to failure, they also significantly limit auxetics of single 1D cellulose microfibrils in networks. Differences in
auxetics between crystals and amorphous must predominantly arise from differences in intermolecular geometry. Similarity
of in-plane auxetics of cellulose to the off-axis auxetics of zeolites (especially thomsonite zeolites) indicates the possibility of
combining both semi-crystalline materials to produce functionalized composites with photo-electromechanical properties.
asamoah38@icloud.comSoy-based bio-nanocomposites: Evaluation of the processing conditions and nanoclay incorporation
Alberto Romero, Manuel Felix, Víctor Perez-Puyana and Antonio Guerrero
University of Seville, Spain
io-based plastics are composed by a biopolymer matrix, a plasticizer and some additives to improve the processability or
properties of the final product, like nanoclay which is used to increase the water uptake of these biomaterials. For that
reason, the overall objective of this work is to clarify the influence of nanoclay content (montmorillonite) in the mechanical and
physicochemical properties of bio-nanocomposites obtained from soy protein. These materials were prepared by means of two
different processes: an injection moulding process and an extrusion process, using in both cases soy protein (SPI) and natural
montmorillonite (MMT-Na
), being the nanoclay concentration and the processing conditions critical parameters to take into
account. Thus, several systems were obtained and evaluated, containing from 0 to 9 wt. % of MMT. Bioplastics’ mechanical
characterization is performed by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) using a RSA3 rheometer and tensile tests by
an electromechanical testing system. X-rays diffraction, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and SEM were assessed
to analyze the nanoclay incorporation into the material, as well as their structure. Moreover, water uptake capacity is an
interesting barrel property which has also been evaluated. An increase in nanoclay content tends to create laminar structure,
being this change in structure involved in remarkable changes in mechanical properties as well as in water uptake capacity (the
presence of nanoparticles in the protein matrix can improve water uptake).