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Journal of Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology | ISSN: 2329-6542 | Volume 6

Atomic and Nuclear Physics



International Conference on

October 26-27, 2018 | Boston, USA

Helical modes generate anti-magnetic rotational spectra in nuclei

Sham S Malik

Guru Nanak Dev University, India


systematic analysis of the anti-magnetic rotation band using r-helicity formalism is carried out for the first time. The observed

octupole correlation in a nucleus is likely to play a role in establishing the anti-magnetic spectrum. Such octupole correlations

are explained within the helical orbits. In a rotating eld, two identical fermions (generally protons) with paired spins generate these

helical orbits in such a way that its positive (i.e., up) spin along the axis of quantization refers to one helicity (right-handedness) while

negative (down) spin along the same quantization-axis decides another helicity (left-handedness). Since the helicity remains invariant

under rotation, therefore the quantum state of a fermion is represented by definite angular momentum and helicity. These helicity

represented states support a pear-shaped structure of a rotating system having z-axis as the symmetry-axis. A combined operation

of parity, time-reversal and signature symmetries ensures an absence of one of the signature partner band from the observed anti-

magnetic spectrum. This formalism has also been tested for the recently observed negative parity DeltaI=2 anti-magnetic spectrum

in odd-A


P d nucleus and explains nicely its energy spectrum as well as the B(E2)-values. Further, this formalism is found to be

fully consistent with twin-shears mechanism popularly known for such type of rotational bands. It also provides signi cant clue for

extending these experiments in various mass regions spread over the nuclear chart.

J Astrophys Aerospace Technol 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2329-6542-C3-024