Page 52
Volume 5, Issue 2 (Suppl)
J Fisheries Livest Prod
ISSN: 2332-2608 JFLP, an open access journal
Aquaculture Summit 2017
May 25-26, 2017
May 25-26, 2017 Osaka, Japan
Global Summit on
Aquaculture and Fisheries 2017
Fish behavior characterization research in aquaculture pond with mechanically scanned imaging sonar
Chih-yung Shen
and Wen-Miin Tian
CNA, Taiwan
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
or a comprehensive management of fishery aquaculture, knowledge regarding fish size, quantity and behavior in the pond or cage
are important controlling parameters. However, due to the constraint of underwater environment, underwater information is hard
to collect and controlling parameters for aquaculture management are basically measured or estimated through indirectly procedures.
Underwater acoustic systems are standard tools for monitoring fish and other mobile objects in marine and freshwater environments.
Among them, the mechanically scanned imaging sonar systems with bottom-fixed, side-looking working configuration can collect
high resolution underwater imagery and were employed for the quantification of fish length, fish position, fish swimming speed as
well as fish behavior pattern. The current research was conducted at a milk fish pond (85*52*2 m in dimensions, with 10,800 milk
fish of 40~42 cm in length) in Mituo, Kaohsiung city, Taiwan, with emphasis in the quantification of fish length and fish behavior. The
pond bank can be covered or depicted by the sonogram with slant range at 40 m. Acoustic imagery with slant range setting at 5 m was
selected and used for the measurement of the acoustic fish length. The echo with spindle shape, relative strong intensity was identified
to be a fish target. Target images that parallel to the scanning direction were selected for the evaluation of the fish true length. The
conclusion of the calculated fish length, based on 116 measurements and a statistical estimation procedure, was 45.4 cm, which is
close to the initially estimated fish length (40~42 cm). As fish behavior concerned, it was evident that fish swam counter-clockwise
more frequently than swam clockwise in the acoustical scanning area and revealed the preferred swimming route or behavior of the
fish in this specific monitoring time and area.
Chih-Yung Shen has his expertise in underwater targets detection, and behavior analysis by using acoustic, noninvasive method. He is an Instructor in Chinese
Naval Academy, Kaohsiung, Taiwan and taught physics, investigated method and technology, and astronomy. He is also a PhD candidate majoring in Department
of Marine Environment and Engineering in National Sun Yet-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The foundation is a methodology that detected, identified, located
fish and analyzed the fish behavior pattern by using mechanical scanned sonar system. This approach is responsive to underwater targets detection methods
which cannot be done before. Shen et al., J Fisheries Livest Prod 2017, 5:2 (Suppl)