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Volume 8, Issue 4 (Suppl)
J Addict Res Ther
ISSN: 2155-6105 JART, an open access journal
Alcoholism 2017
July 03-04, 2017
July 03-04, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
International Conference on
Addictive Disorders and
Substance use prevention through media
Adinda Prawityasari Kusubandio
KAPETA Foundation, Indonesia
Statement of the Problem:
Indonesia now has 5.9 million drug users; yet society still has low knowledge in substance abuse
and how to prevent it. Survey on knowledge of the dangers of drugs is relatively low with a range of 4-53%, for the things that
can prevent a person from drug use range between 17-58% in common household. Most that still uses or wanted to try has a
misperception about the effect like increase of stamina, even now the New Psychoactive Substance are sold online. Interest in
this matter haven’t emerge as expected and the media often misrepresents reports of drug use which leads to misperception.
Mass communication holds substantial promise as a tool for reaching and persuading people to adopt new and healthier
lifestyles and social media use growth in Indonesia has reach 27 million by 2016.
Systematic review including 12 studies in total, 10 internet and computer based prevention programs concerning
tobacco, alcohol and cannabis in a school setting.
In total, the level of substance use in the intervention group was found to be lower than in the control group for
six of the seven analyzed programs at the end of the intervention or at the time of follow up. Shown reduction in tobacco use,
reduction in alcohol use in four studies, lower binge drinking in two studies. In one studies shows significantly lower frequency
of consumption. All programs shown effectiveness between four and 12 sessions and five of six effective programs were based
on the social influence model and social cognitive theory.
Conclusion & Significance:
The research shown significant change through frequent information and educational exposure.
As it is also becoming a trend to use social media, those exposures will be more effective among school children and youth to
reach behavior or social change.
Adinda Prawityasari Kusubandio currently works at KAPETA Foundation as one of the board member. She holds an ICAP II (International Certified Addiction
Professionals level II) and Recovery Coach credential from ICCE Colombo Plan, now also set her interest and goal in Prevention. Adinda is pursuing her degree in
Public Relation during the weekend and are involved part time as an in-depth interviewer for HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN 074) at Cipto Mangunkusumo
Hospital. She is one of Indonesia’s national trainer for Universal Treatment Curriculum and are one of the developer of Family Empowerment for Substance Abuse
Prevention module for Indonesia’s Ministry of Health. Her passion for Substance Abuse come from personal experience and is determine to continue broadening
her knowledge and skills in Substance use treatment and prevention to help others in need.
adindapk@gmail.comAdinda Prawityasari Kusubandio, J Addict Res Ther 2017, 8:4 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2155-6105-C1-030