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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

Agrotechnology, an open access journal

ISSN: 2168-9881

Agri 2017

October 02-04, 2017





International Conference on


October 02-04, 2017 London, UK

Evolution of the commercialization of asparagus in Argentina

Ana María Castagnino


, Karina E Diaz


, Sabrina Mondini


, W John Rogers


, Andrea Guisolis


, Oscar Liverotti


, José Fernandez Lozano



Mario E




UNCPBA, Argentina


Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Argentina


University of Buenos Aires, Argentina


University of Belgrano, Argentina


sparagus is a perishable, seasonal horticultural product that lies amongst the first fifteen commercialized vegetables in

Argentina, a market that needs dietary diversification given that 70% of annual consumption is concentrated in just

five species: potato, tomato, onion, squash and carrot. The aim of the current work is to analyse the commercial situation in

Argentina based upon the incoming volume registered by Buenos Aires Central Market, the main national point of reference.

To this end the following aspects were evaluated: tendency in incoming volume between 2000 and 2016 (TIV), region of origin

(RO), volume and country of origin of imports (VI and OI) and the evolution of commercialized volume and mean price

through 2016 (EP). Data were analyzed by ANOVA-LSD (P≥0.05). In TIV, the mean annual incoming volume was 685t, with

a decreasing tendency, where the period 2000-2007 was outstanding, with an annual mean of 8% compared to the total of the

study period. 93% of the total commercialized volume corresponded to the period September to December, demonstrating

the marked seasonality of the production. For RO, the following provinces stood out: San Juan (51%) and Buenos Aires (43%),

followed by Córdoba (5%), Corrientes (2%), Mendoza (0,2%), Salta and Santa Fe (0.1%). For OI, of the total received by the

Central Market, 97.6% corresponded to asparagus produced in Argentina, and only 2.4% was imported, in counter-season,

from May to August, from Chile (May) and Peru (May-August). VI in 2016 was 8.7t/year in total (Peru 8.3 and Chile 0.4).

Regarding EP, the annual mean for 2016 was 3.62 US$.kg


, with the lowest price in December (1.6 US$.kg


) and the highest

in August (5.13 US$.kg


). These results indicate the need to intensify the implementation of strategies aimed at promoting the

production and consumption of asparagus in Argentina; regarding the former, this is because it is a perennial crop of great

economic and social value, and, regarding the latter, since it is a non-traditional vegetable of high nutritional quality. Given the

notably seasonal nature of its internal production, it could be added that the Argentinean asparagus market also represents an

opportunity for producers and exporters from other countries, as well as for those national entrepreneurs who orientate their

production towards obtaining early produce under glasshouse conditions.


Ana María Castagnino is a Horticulture Specialist (UNIPI, Italy) with a Master's Degree in Business Management (UNCPBA, Argentina), and is Professor of

Horticulture at UCA, Buenos Aires and Associate Professor at UNCPBA. She is a member of CRESCA (Regional Centre for the Systemic Study of Agro-Food

Chains) and directs the programme "Promotion of the production and consumption of asparagus and other non-traditional vegetables".

Ana María Castagnino et al., Agrotechnology 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2168-9881-C1-028