Page 63
Volume 7, Issue 4 (Suppl)
ISSN: 2161-119X Otolaryngology, an open access journal
Aesthetic Medicine & ENT Conference 2017
July 06-08, 2017
July 06-08, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
International Conference on
Aesthetic Medicine and ENT
Osteotomy in rhinoplasty
Mosaad Elsisi
Benha Faculty of Medicine, Egypt
steotomy is required in most rhinoplasties because most standard rhinoplasties require the movement or alteration of
the osseocartilaginous vault. In general, indications for osteotomies in rhinoplasty are open roof after the hump has been
removed and a wide nasal base or correction of twisted nose. The steps of mobilizing bony pyramid include mobilizing and
correcting the septum, outlining osteotomy, mobilizing the bony pyramid. Types of osteotomies include paramedian, lateral,
transverse and intermediate osteotomies. Surgeons try to select the most precise technique; one that is safe and easy to perform
while providing a good control of the osteotomy line. Traditionally, lateral osteotomies have been used to narrow the lateral walls
of the nose, close an open-roof deformity after dorsal hump reduction and create symmetry by allowing for straightening of the
nasal bony framework. Various types of osteotomy techniques, complications predictability are compared with our preferred
external osteotomy technique.
mosssisi@gmail.comOtolaryngology 2017, 7:4 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-119X-C1-020