Page 41
Volume 08
Innovative Energy & Research
ISSN: 2576-1463
Advanced Energy Materials 2019
July 11-12, 2019
July 11-12, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference on
Advanced Energy Materials and Research
Solar PV/T integrated reversible solid oxide fuel cell system for power generation and storage
S Ghosh, A Ghosh and A K Mishra
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, India
n this paper, a novel power generation cum storage system employing reversible solid oxide fuel cell (RSOFC)
has been proposed. The RSOFC is integrated with solar PV/T system that also includes parabolic trough solar
collectors (PTSC). The RSOFC unit operates in steam electrolyser mode (during day time) and in fuel cell mode
(during night time). The electrochemical model is developed for a proton conducting reversible solid oxide fuel
cell (RSOFC-H) and its performance analysis is done both in fuel cell mode and electrolysis mode of operation.
A comparative performance analysis has also been done between conventional oxide ion conducting reversible
SOFC (RSOFC-O) and proton conducting RSOFC-H for suitably chosen range of current density to cover both
the cells' common operating range (500 A/m
to 5000A/m
). Computational simulation model for the integrated
plant has been developed and the simulated performance analyzed both using energy and exergy approaches. The
results suggest that the solar-integrated system can yield an overall solar-to-gas conversion efficiency of about 18% in
electrolysis mode while in fuel cell mode the conversion efficiency (gas-to-power) would be about 40%.
Recent Publications
1. Saetova N S, Krainova D A, Kuzmin, A V, Raskovalov A A, Zharkinova S T, Porotnikova N M and Ghosh
S (2019) Alumina–silica glass–ceramic sealants for tubular solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Materials Science
2. Huang N, Zhao P, Ghosh S and Fedyukhin A (2019) Co-hydrothermal carbonization of polyvinyl chloride and
moist biomass to remove chlorine and inorganics for clean fuel production. Applied Energy 240:882-892.
3. Roy D, Samanta S and Ghosh S (2019) Techno-economic and environmental analyses of a biomass based system
employing solid oxide fuel cell, externally fired gas turbine and organic Rankine cycle. Journal of Cleaner
4. Roy D, Samanta S and Ghosh S (2019) Energetic, exergetic and economic (3E) investigation of biomass
gasification-based power generation system employing molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), indirectly heated air
turbine and an organic Rankine cycle. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
S Ghosh et al., Innov Ener Res 2019, Volume 08