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Addiction Therapy 2016
October 03-05, 2016
Volume 7, Issue 5(Suppl)
J Addict Res Ther
ISSN:2155-6105 JART, an open access journal
October 03-05, 2016 Atlanta, USA
International Conference and Exhibition on
Addiction Research & Therapy
David E McCauley, J Addict Res Ther 2016, 7:5(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-6105.C1.028Approaches for addiction treatment: The freedom of choice today
David E McCauley
Oak valley Foundation, USA
ith the freedom of choice today we must look at all approaches for Addiction Treatment for the individual. The models
include Twelve-Step programs, Smart Recovery, Motivational Therapy, Holistic Approach, Religious Approach, Rational
Recovery, One-on-One Counseling Approach, and individuals who stop on their own, who have great insight to offer. What we
need to celebrate is the self-discovery of the individual, with that in mind we must look at always in which an individual can be
relieved of a lifestyle of addiction. This presentation will also include an introduction to the insight of the book
ddiction to
Recovery / Unlocking your Potential this book is a doorway that leaves an open mind to a higher more integrated way of living.
With the concept that all change starts in the mind, in order to have a breakthrough in recovery, it requires a shift of awareness
and consciousness in the individual- a shift in how we deal with our problems. All answers lie in the discovery of our inner
freedom, with the freedom of choice the individual will have many reasons to feel optimistic about their life and their future.
Addiction to Recovery is a book of knowledge about life in recovery. Bringing the mind, body, soul and self together as one in
order to have a breakthrough in recovery. In recovery the individual must heal what is broken, one must start with the inner
core of their being. Our answers to many questions of life lie in our soul, buried under the wounds of our past and present.
They must be revealed and understood, and learn from released and “let go of for good.” One must rise from the unconscious
addictive thinking into conscious thinking, where recovery is given meaning and purpose, thus enhancing the individuals life.
It is in essential key to happiness, inner peace and freedom in recovery.
David E McCauley is the Author of Addiction to Recovery / Unlocking your Potential.This book has been featured on TV Healthy Lifestyles with Eraldo. David began
working in the field of substance use disorders in 1991. Working in St. Clair's Hospital detox unit while studying at Rutgers University and earning his certification
in alcohol and drug counseling as well as becom-ing a certified social worker. He later moved on to an outpatient facility then worked with the Division of Youth and
Family Services before opening his own outpatient program (Life Skills Counseling in 1998. In recovery since 1989 David brings in the accumulation of existential
reali-zation, many resources, years in recovery, education, insights and years working in the field, with all adepts in the goal of personal transformation from
addiction to recovery. An integrated approach to living in wellness of recovery by reframing the process in such a way that the right interpretation by the individual
will help recovery click into place. Currently working on forth-coming book, Recovery: What Cost so Little is Worth so Much. This book will provide a new optimistic
outlook as a guide for the unwary who have failed at recovery in the past and those coming into recovery for the first time.