Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)
Clin Exp Pharmacol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2161-1459
Page 13
December 14-16, 2017 Rome, Italy
International Conference on
International Conference on
Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology
Generic Drugs and Biosimilars
Mechanisms underlying adverse endocrine and metabolic side effects of Atypical Antipsychotic (AA)
medications: Central vs. direct effects
typical antipsychotic medications (AA) are FDA approved for psychosis associated with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
and irritability associated with autism. AA display complex pharmacology, antagonizing multiple G-protein coupled
receptor families. Antagonism of dopamine receptors is thought to be a pivotal component of clinical efficacy. Despite FDA
warning labels for metabolic side effects, these are among the most highly prescribed drugs world-wide due to prescribing for
non-approved indications. Common clinical side effects include obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, sudden cardiac death
and increased fractures. Despite the severity of these side effects, there is a paucity of literature examining the underlying
pharmacology. We and others have shown that central/indirect side effects of AA include increased appetite and obesity,
hyperprolactinemia and hypothalamic insulin resistance, which underlies hepatic insulin resistance. The mechanisms
underlying AA-induced dyslipidemia and increased fractures have not been elucidated. Our laboratory is focusing on the
emerging side effects of AA medications on bone. Clinical data show that fracture risk is elevated in schizophrenic patients
treated with AA vs. the general population, and limited studies show that patients treated with risperidone (RIS) have reduced
bone mineral density. We hypothesize that AA impact bone biology by both indirect and direct mechanisms. Our approach
includes evaluating effects of clinically relevant doses of AA in pre-clinical models as well as direct effects on bone cells
in vitro
We explored the role of hypogonadism in RIS-induced bone loss and developed bioanalytical methods to quantify dynamic
concentrations of dopamine and RIS in bone marrow to evaluate possible direct drug effects
in vivo
. Our overarching goal is to
elucidate the pharmacology associated with undesirable health effects of AAmedications to better inform prescribing practices
and drug discovery efforts. With such a large patient population taking these medications, these data are of special concern for
vulnerable populations including children and the elderly.
Karen L Houseknecht is currently Professor of Pharmacology, College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Interim Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of New En-
gland (Portland, Maine USA). She received her PhD from Cornell University and has held multiple leadership positions in academic and corporate research organizations.
She is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed publications and her NIH-funded research program focuses on new therapeutic discovery (including drug metabolism) and the
pharmacology underlying adverse metabolic effects of psychiatric medications.
khouseknecht@une.eduKaren L Houseknecht
University of New England, USA
Maine Medical Center Research Institute, USA
Karen L Houseknecht, Clin Exp Pharmacol 2017, 7:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-1459-C1-024