Trial of vaginal birth after CS represents one of the most significant changes in obstetric practice in the recent time. Encouraging the vaginal birth after CS has been considered a key method of reducing the cesarean rate.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG, 2010), states that women with a history of one previous low transverse cesarean delivery, a clinically adequate pelvis, and no prior classical uterine scar or rupture are good candidates for a Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC) trial provided that they are at an institution with adequate resources including physicians and anesthesiologists
Although attempts at a Trial of Labor after a Cesarean Birth (TOLAC) have become accepted practice, the rate of successful vaginalbirth after cesarean delivery, as well as the rate of attempted VBACs,has decreased during the past 10 years. Concerns about immediatematernal and neonatal complications associated with uterine rupture have contributed to a decrease in vaginal birth after CS rates. (Zaitoun MM, Eldin SAN, Mohammad EY (2013) A Prediction Score for Safe and Successful Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Delivery: A Prospective Controlled Study)
Last date updated on March, 2025