Although vaccination proved to be a major milestone in the scientific development yet there still is disagreement over its use. Some of the insidious side effects of the elements and substances used in vaccine serums include: blood disorders, auto-immune diseases, cerebral palsy, brain damage, paralysis, neurological impairment, monkey fever, Gullian-Barre-syndrome; autism, mental retardation, premature aging, cancer (and leukemia); multiple sclerosis, SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), asthma and bronchitis, malaise, convulsions (epilepsy); seizure, encephalopathy (degenerative disease of the brain); thrombocytopenia (inflammation of veins), Cochlear lesion (loss of function of the inner ear); brachial plexus neuropathies (nervous disease of the arms, nerves, and lymphatic); erythema (morbid redness of the skin); shock episodes (excessive screaming), chronic melancholy (child never smiling or laughing), learning disability. Hence there is a need to find an alternative to these present vaccines. This alternative can be substituted by development of plant vaccines.
Transgenic Plant Vaccine: A Breakthrough in Immunopharmacotherapeutics: Awale MM, Mody SK, Dudhatra GB, Avinash Kumar, Patel HB, Modi CM, Kamani DR and Chauhan BN
Last date updated on March, 2025