The following is the list of scholars from Washington University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Dominic S. Raj
William Cromwell
Amit Jaiswal
Abdel Kareem Azab
Abdulaziz Joury
Abdulrahman Al Fulaij
Abraham (Rami) Eliakim
Adan Rios
Alejandro Aballay
Alen J Salerian
Andrea V Rivera SepAlveda
Angeline Beltsos
Anup K. Gangopadhyay
Arpitha Parthasarathy
Athena Guo
Aurel Neamtu
Barbara Schraml
Becky MVonakis
Beng-Kah Song
Bernd Heinrich Zinselmeyer
Bevan Tandon
Bonilla-Rodriguez G.O.
Bruce P Burnett
Carmen Alvarez-Dominguez
Carol M. Jim
Carol jim
Changfu Cheng
Charles J Malemud
Chen Jenn-Tzong
Chen Shen
Cheryl Ann Thaxton
Cheryl L. Bearringer
Christopher Chadwick
Claude K Lardinois
Connie Evashwick
Cory Bernadt
Cynthia Xiuguang Ma
Dan Eisenberg
David Bartlett
David Ben-Menahem
David Elan Simckes
David J Sullivan
Deepak K Nayak
Dennie Jones
Derick A Mendonca
Derick A. Mendonca
Dhan Kuppuswamy
Dikranian K
Dipanjan Pan
Donald E Wesson
Dr. Simon Berkovich
Dr. Trevor Archer
Dragos C Luca
Eduardo Donadi
Edward Yungjae Lee
Edward Yungjae Lee.
Eva Kudova
Fahad Somaa
Fei Han
Francesco Spelta
Frans Vinberg
Fuad Fares
Gershon J Spector
Ghassan I Aleqabi
Gianpaolo Papaccio
Gustave L. Davis
Hae Kyung Lee
Hatim Khatatbeh
Heather Canavan
Heidi Bardot
Hemanshu K Warrier
Hemmige SYathirajan
Hina Naushad Qureishi
Howard A. Rowley
Hu Jiancheng
J Sathish Kumar
Jack Kushner
James Kennedy
Jiancheng Hu
Jianfei Yang
Jianmin Cui
John K. Maesaka
Jonas R. Rudzki
Joseph Erwin
Joseph Siryani
Joshua J Murphy
Josiah Olusegun Okesola
Julian M Menter
Justin M Brown
Justin M. Brown
K. Mark Derby
K. Venkateswara Swamy
Karen S Ho
Kenichi Meguro
Kevin K. Ohlemiller
Khaled A Alswat
Khaled Alswat
Koji Hozawa
Kosuke Imamura
L Courtney Smith
Laura Adhikari
Lawrence H. Bennett
Lei Wang
Leonard B Weinstock
Loai A Eid,
Luis H. Camacho
Lynn Adams
M. Raj Lakshman
Mahsa Rashidi
Mahwish Ali
Majeda El Banna
Marissa L Matsumoto
Mark Derby
Mark Houston
Mark N Scheinberg
Mary McGowan & Eva Maciejewski
Mathilde Knight
Matthew E. Merritt
Matthew Owen Howard
Matthew T. Olson
Meenakshi Chellaiah
Melha Mellata
Memory Elvin-Lewis
Michael Cho
Mike Nickerson
Ming-Liang He
Mirela Olympia Fagarasan Palmer
Mohamed A Bitar
Mohamed A Zayed
Mohamed E Zayed
Mohamed Zayed
Mona Zaky Nasser
Mouhamad Ghyath Jamil
Mu Wang
Mukesh Verma
Nadeem A. Kizilbash
Nancy Tye-Murray
Narayan R. Bhat
Neriman Gokden
Neva L Crogan
Nicholas E. Burgis
Nicholas Earl Burgis
Offie P Soldin
Pamela E Starke-Reed
Panayiotis P Constantinides
Patricia Berg
Patricia E Berg
Patricia E. Berg
Pedro Jose
Philip J. Lucas
Precision BioSciences Inc., USA
Raj Jain
Rakesh Kumar
Ramesh K Agarwal
Ramesh K. Agarwal
Ranbir Singh and L Michael Brunt
Reem Al Olaby
Reina Villareal
Richard Addo
Rita Berto
Rob Striker
Robert Mallet
Robyn S. Klein
Rodrigo S. Reis
S K Jain
Sameer Sendy
Seong Chan Jun
Sergei Nekhai
Seth D. Crosby
Sharona Ross
Shi Wei
Shihuan Kuang
Simon Berkovich
Sonika Dahiya
Soumendra Rana
Sreenivasulu N.S.
Stephen J. Carter
Stephen Lin
Stephen S Lin
Stephen S. Lin
Sung Wo Choi
Suresh Mathew
Timothy J McCulley
Tina Abrefa Gyan
Todsapon Thananatthanachon
Trevor Archer
Trevor Cornelius Stuart Archer
Victor Guallar
Vjollca H. Konjufca
Wei Kong
Wes E Steiner
William H. Frey
William Lindsey
Xiayuan Liang
Yacov Rofe
Yacov Rofé
Yan Liu* and Yin Wang
Yang Sun
Yann Meunier
Yibing Li
Zachary A. Vesoulis
The following is the list of articles by scholars from Washington University that are published in OMICS International journals.
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience
Bereaved Parents Experiences of Hospital Practices and Staff Reactions after the Sudden Unexpected Death of a Child
Rebecca A Rudd, Lisa Capizzi Marain, Laura Crandall
Commentary : Int J Emerg Ment Health 2018, 20: 385
Journal of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Referral to Cardiac Rehabilitation among Rural Heart Failure Patients
Alan Beck
Research Article : J Card Pulm Rehabil 2017, 1: 115
Neonatal and Pediatric Medicine
Cerebral Oxygenation Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) before, during and after Therapeutic Hypothermia: A Comparison of Cerebral Saturations between those Infants on Sedatives and Anti-Epileptics and those who are not, all of whom are Undergoing Cooling
Dixon CM and Rais-Bahrami K
Research Article : Neonat Pediatr Med
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System
Acute Myopericarditis due to Hepatitis E Virus Infection: The First Reported Case in the Western Hemisphere
Timothy Dougherty, Showkat Bashir, Mahmuda Khan Jason Adam, Marie Borum
Case Report : J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016, 6: 386
Journal of Biomusical Engineering
The Healing Vibration of Music: An Interview with Artist Woody Simmons
Bonnie JM
Opinion Article : J Biomusic Eng 2016, S1: 003
Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education
Physical Activity and Depressive Symptoms in Advanced Age: LiLACS NZ
Mace C, Kerse N, Maddison R, Kepa M, Dyall L, Merritt-McDonald M, Jatrana S, Wham C and Pillai A
Research Article : J Community Med Health Educ 5:369
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
Comparing Plantarflexor Power and Function using Carbon Fiber Versus Traditional Thermoplastic Ankle Foot Orthoses: Case Series
Mary K Hastings, Michael M Dailey, Dequan Zou, David R Sinacore and Michael Mueller
Research Article : Clin Res Foot Ankle 2014, 3: 168
Epidemiology: Open Access
Susceptibility of Snails to Infection with Schistosomes is influenced by Temperature and Expression of Heat Shock Proteins
Matty Knight*, Elhelu O, Smith M, Haugen B, Miller A, Raghavan N, Wellman C, Cousin C, Dixon F, Mann V, Rinaldi G, Lttiprasert W and Brindley PJ
Research Article : Epidemiology (Sunnyvale) 2015, 5: 189
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Emerging Trends in Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Instrumentation for Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Wes E Steiner and William A English
Editorial : J Anal Bioanal Tech 2015, 6:e118
Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense
Journal of Bioterrorism and Biodefense: Past, Present and Future
Nicholas E Burgis
Editorial : J Bioterror Biodef 2014, 5: e110
OMICS Journal of Radiology
Intratumoral Heterogeneity of 64Cu-ATSM Uptake is a Prognostic Indicator in Patients with Cervical Cancer
Albert J Chang, Farrokh Dehdashti, Barry A Siegel, Michael J Welch, Julie K Schwarz and Perry W Grigsby
Review Article : OMICS J Radiology 2013, 2: 130
Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense
Current Trends in Bioterrorism and Biodefense
James A Hust and Nicholas E Burgis
Editorial : J Bioterror Biodef 2013, S3:e002
Epidemiology: Open Access
Massachusetts Leads the Nation in Colorectal Cancer Screening: What Lessons can we learn for Implementing Prevention - Translating Epidemiology to Practice?
Graham A Colditz and Hank Dart SM
Editorial : Epidemiol 2013, 3:e111
Epidemiology: Open Access
Reporting Results: Approaches have Implications for Prevention
Graham A Colditz and Hank Dart SM
Editorial : Epidemiol 2012, 2:e108
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy
Smoking Susceptibility and its Predictors among Adolescents in China: Evidence from Ningbo City
Cheng Huang, Jeffrey P Koplan, Jing Liu, Changwei Li, Jessica Silvaggio, Amanda K MacGurn, Tao Zhang, Michael P Erikson and Pam Redmon
Research Article : J Addict Res Ther 2011, S8: 004
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
An Extraction Assay Analysis for Galanthamine in Guinea Pig Plasma and its Application to Nerve Agent Countermeasures
Wes E Steiner, Ioannis A Pikalov, Patrick T Williams, William A English and Corey J Hilmas
Review Article : J Anal Bioanal Techniques 2012, 3:144
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Emerging Trends in Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation for Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques
Wes E Steiner and William A English
Editorial : J Anal Bioanal Techniques 2012, 3:e106
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF): What It Really Means for Materials Scientists?
Dipanjan Pan
Editorial : J Biotechnol Biomaterial 2012, 2: e109
Otolaryngology: Open Access
Vocal Cord Dysfunction:An Updated Review
Angela Truong*,Dam-Thuy Truong
Review Article : Otolaryngology 2011, S1-002
Otolaryngology: Open Access
The Role of the Supraglottic Area in Voice Production
Sheila Stager*
Review Article : Otolaryngology 2011, S1-001
Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense
Recent Advances in the Biosciences Aid in the Detection and Identification of Bioterrorism Agents
Martin K. Aune and Nicholas E. Burgis
Editorial : J Bioterror Biodef 2011, S3:e001
The following is the list of proceedings by scholars from Washington University that are published in OMICS International journals and conferences.
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy Long-term buprenorphine treatment for kratom use disorder: a case series
Viktoriya R. Broyan
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Addict Res Ther
Advances in Crop Science and Technology Precision genome engineering for a bright food future
John Salmeron
ScientificTracks Abstracts : Adv Crop Sci Tech
Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy The intuitive rational-choice theory of madness: Schizophrenia, criminal insanity and neuroses; the fallen empires of psychoanalysis, medical models and drug companies
Yacov Rofe
Keynote : J Tradit Med Clin Natur
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Bacterial view of the chemical periodic table: Genes (and proteins) for each element of the chemical periodic table
Simon Silver
Keynote : J Clin Exp Pathol
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Recombinant proteins: From bench to clinics
Fuad Fares
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy Factors associated with non-adherence to buprenorphinenaloxone among opioid dependent African-Americans: a retrospective chart review
Suneeta Kumari, Partam Manalai, Sharlene Leong, Alese Wooditch, William B Lawson and Malik Mansoor
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Addict Res Ther
Journal of Cancer Diagnosis Uncover the molecular mechanism that regulates the RAF/MEK/ERK kinase cascade by characterizing the oncogenic RAF/MEK mutants
Jiancheng Hu
Keynote : J Cancer Diagn
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Hyperhomocysteinemia and Anesthesia
Cindy Yeoh
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Clin Exp Pathol
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change Cause of the ice ages and climate change
Don J Easterbrook
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Earth Sci Clim Change
OMICS Journal of Radiology Functional and structural imaging in pediatric anoxic brain injury
Peter T Fox
ScientificTracks Abstracts : OMICS J Radiol
OMICS Journal of Radiology Psycho-bizarreness: The intuitive rational-choice theory of madness
Yacov Rofe
Keynote : OMICS J Radiol
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Recombinant proteins from bench to clinics
Fuad Fares
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Designing long acting agonists and antagonists of glycoprotein hormones using site directed mutagenesis and gene transfer; from the bench to bedside
Fuad Fares
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Child and Adolescent Behaviour Picky eating in young children and its relationship to child and maternal characteristics
Ada H Zohar
Keynote : J Child Adolesc Behav
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Novel methods for designing long acting agonists and antagonists of glycoprotein hormones
Fuad Fares
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Production of industrial enzymes in maize
Elizabeth E Hood
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System Shocking the GI tract: Electrical stimulation from top to bottom
Steven Teich
Keynote : J Gastrointest Dig Syst
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Contemporary genomic studies in hematologic pathology: Utility of next generation sequencing in clinical evaluation of myeloid and lymphoid malignancies
Bevan Tandon
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Clin Exp Pathol
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Empowering youth to reduce sugar-sweetened beverage consumption through a place-based initiative
Vanessa Salcedo, Paulo R Pina and Roberts Calpurnyia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Decline in frozen section diagnosis of sentinel lymph nodes for breast cancer as a result of the ACOSOG Z0011 trial
Mary Ann G Sanders
Keynote : J Clin Exp Pathol
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Treatment of metabolic acidosis in chronic kidney disease yields better weight control with fruits and vegetables than with currently recommended sodium-based alkali therapy
Donald E Wesson, Nimrit Goraya, Jan Simoni and Jessica Pruszynski
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Successful weight management in an underserved population through the Group Lifestyle Balance (GLB) program
Donald E Wesson
Keynote : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials A novel strategy for developing long acting recombinant proteins: From bench to bedside
Fuad Fares
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Developing long acting agonists and antagonists of glycoprotein hormones using gene fusion and gene transfer: From bench to clinics
Fuad Fares
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System Shocking the GI tract: Electrical stimulation from top to bottom
Steven Teich
Keynote : J Gastrointest Dig Syst
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Genomic Signatures in non-Hodgkin lymphomas
Hina Naushad Qureishi
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Clin Exp Pathol
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Title: NIH Research Resources in Biotechnology
Mukesh Verma
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Cancer control by integrating epigenomics and genomics: Are we ready for the prime time?
Mukesh Verma
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials A promising drug lead that inhibits HCV infectivity in a genotype-independent manner
Reem Al Olaby
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine Person-centered care in nursing homes: Efficacy of the sorbet increases salivation intervention
Neva L Crogan
Posters-Accepted Abstracts : Posters-Accepted Abstracts
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Long acting recombinant glycoprotein hormones: From bench to clinics
Fuad Fares
ScientificTracks Abstracts : Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Immunohistochemical detection of EGFR mutations and ALK rearrangement in lung adenocarcinoma
Haodong Xu
Keynote : J Clin Exp Pathol
Journal of Pain & Relief Endorphins and endorphin agonists for pain, addiction, depression and psychosis
Alen J Salerian
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Pain Relief
Journal of Pain & Relief Peripheral neuropathy management: Focus on interventional techniques
Aurel Neamtu
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Pain Relief
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Intranasal insulin, deferoxamine and therapeutic cells bypass the blood-brain barrier to treat Alzheimer�s and other brain disorders
William H Frey II
Accepted Abstracts : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Pathogenic mechanism of Alzheimer�s disease
Carlos Cruchaga
Accepted Abstracts : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Unexpected brain MRI abnormalities in aging research studies
Howard A Rowley
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Advancements in the Field of Imaging: In relation with Alzheimer�s and Dementia
Howard A Rowley
Keynote : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques Identification of CTP-499 metabolites in human plasma and urine
Changfu Cheng
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Anal Bioanal Tech
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Evaluation of sugarcane bagasse hydrolysis by the cellulolytic crude extracts from the thermophilic fungus Myceliophthora heterothallica F. 2.1.4.
Bonilla-Rodriguez G O, Silva V C T, Neves M B S, Perrone O, Trindade L V and Boscolo Mand Gomes E
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology BRAFV600E is a negative prognosticator in pediatric ganglioglioma
Sonika Dahiya
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Clin Exp Pathol
Epidemiology: Open Access Epidemiological Migraine in Assuit Governorate, Egypt
Sherifa A. Hamed
Accepted Abstracts : Epidemiol
Epidemiology: Open Access Cancer epigenetic and its applications in cancer screening, risk assessment and treatment
Mukesh Verma
ScientificTracks Abstracts : Epidemiol
Epidemiology: Open Access Epigenome-Wide Association Studies (EWAS) in cancer
Mukesh Verma
Keynote : Epidemiol
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Relationship between cortical thinning and cortical FDG hypometabolism in individuals with progressive MCI and Alzheimer's disease
Lei Wang
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
Otolaryngology: Open Access Cellular and genetic aspects of age- and noise-associated pathology of cochlear stria vascularis
Kevin K. Ohlemiller
ScientificTracks Abstracts : Otolaryngology
OMICS Journal of Radiology Optical coherence tomography in biomedical research
Mohammadreza Nasiriavanaki
ScientificTracks Abstracts : OMICS J Radiology
Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development Evidence that Rickettsia prowazekii may be susceptible to noncanonical purines
Nicholas E. Burgis and James Kim
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Marine Sci Res Dev
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System Current concepts of hepatocellular imaging
Pornpim Korpraphong
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Gastrointest Digest Sys
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Epigenetic and genetic approaches in cancer epidemiology and risk assessment
Mukesh Verma
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Epigenetic and genetic approaches in cancer epidemiology and risk assessment Concept, applications and future directions
Mukesh Verma
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Cloning, characterization and expression of an insecticidal crystal protein gene from Bacillus thuringiensis isolates of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
H M Mahadeva Swamy
Posters : J Ecosyst Ecogr
Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography The what million dollar question: Patent litigation and strategy under the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act
Bryan J. Vogel
Posters : J Ecosyst Ecogr
Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System Role of tight junction in urinary Ca++ homeostasis
Jianghui Hou
AcceptedAbstracts : J Gastrointest Dig Syst
The following is the list of scholars from Washington University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Dragos C Luca
Memory Elvin-Lewis
Simon Berkovich
International Conferences 2025-26
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