The following is the list of scholars from Georgetown University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Dominic S. Raj
Mathew Nguyen
Anand Gadre
A. Bennett Jenson
Alexander Tselev
Amir Tamiz
Anand Gadre
Andrea Sonenberg
Anne G. Rosenwald
Antonio Di Bartolomeo
Apurba K. Bhattacharjee
Arthur H Bell
Avisa Asemi
Baris E. Suzek
Benedict B Benigno
Benedict Benigno
Benedict C. Albensi
Bennett B. Borden
Biswendu B Goswami
Christopher Albanese
Christopher J Salgado
Christopher Salgado
Chunmei Shi
David Baron
Deborah L. Threats
Deepakraj Gajanana
Donna R Cryer
Dr. Sridhar
Elke Zschaebitz
G Ian Gallicano
Gregory Gierer
Gülay Bulut
Hallgeir Rui
Hossein Tabriziani
Houman Danesh
Imran Ahmad
Istvan J Enyedy
Istvan J. Enyedy
Italo Mocchetti
James C Shehan
James Giordano
Jane E. Joseph
Janet H. Davis
Janet H.Davis
Jayalakshmi Sridhar
Jean Paul Rwabihama
John M Rosenfeld
Jong-in Hahm
Khawla S. Al-Kuraya
Kiran Thakur
Kritika Khurana
Krom B.P
Leonard A. Smith
Liezille Jacobs
Lou Massa
Mary J. Heeb
Mathew Nguyen
Mauricio Laerte Silva
Michael J Iadarola
Mukesh Verma
Nady Golestaneh
Nasir Uddin
Nina Mezu-Nwaba
Nuha Algarzae
Offie P Soldin
Paola Barbara
Paul A. Frohna
Pedro A. Jose
Pedro Jose
Peijun Li
Ping-Ching Hsu
Rahul Saxena
Robert I . Henkin
Robert Joseph Hedaya
Scott Gelfand
Seema Khan
Shang-Jin Shi
Siavash Saadat
Silma Regina Ferreira Pereira
Skerdi Prifti
Steven J Soldin
Susan J. Appel
Syed Khader Hasan
Taosheng Huang
Thomas Caceci
Thomas J. Mason
Wenxian Zhou
Xiayuan Liang
Xuehua Xu
Yuji Aoki
The following is the list of articles by scholars from Georgetown University that are published in OMICS International journals.
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
The Approach to Proximal Fifth Metatarsal Fractures in Athletes
Ryan Churchill W, Thomas Sherman I, Matthew Carpiniello and William F Postma
Review Article : Clin Res Foot Ankle 2016, 3: 181
OMICS Journal of Radiology
Determining Fluoroscopic Radiation Exposure to the Urology Resident
Sparenborg J, Yingling C, Hankins R, Dajani D, Luskin J, Nash K, Dahal K and Pahira J
Research Article : OMICS J Radiol 2016, 5: 215
Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences
Two Excursions into Current the US Supreme Court
Paul Rothstein
Opinion Article : J Civil Legal Sci 4: 150
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy
Media Characters as Spokespeople in U.S. Grocery Stores: Promoting Poor Nutritional Messages to Children
Dan P Galloway, Sandra L Calvert
Research Article : J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2014, 4: 212
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Possible APOE Genotype and Sex Dependent Effects of 17-α- estradiol on Alzheimers Disease Pathology
Kebreten F Manaye and William Rebeck G
Editorial : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2013, 3:e130
Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences
The Legal Significance of the Psychological Ability to Appreciate the "Other"
Paul F Rothstein
Editorial : J Civil Legal Sci 2013, 2:e109
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy
4Contributions of Increased Dietary Linoleic Acid and Fructose to the Metabolic Syndrome
Gabriel E. Shaya
Review Article : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
The following is the list of proceedings by scholars from Georgetown University that are published in OMICS International journals and conferences.
The following is the list of scholars from Georgetown University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Rahul Saxena
International Conferences 2025-26
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