The following is the list of scholars from Ben-Gurion University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Abed N Azab
Abraham Tamir
Amit M Schejter
Amrit Sarmah
Angela Ruban
Arieh Zaritsky
Arik Dahan
Azhar J A
Boris Punchik
Dan Levy
David Ben-Menahem
Dorit Segal-Engelchin
Dorit Segal-Engelchin & Orly Sarid
Doron Lavee
Elie Beit-Yannai
Esther Priel
Eyal Gur
Fleisher-Berkovich S
Gabriela Koifman
Gad Vitner
Gagik Ghazaryan
Gideon Oron
Guy Bar-Klein
Haim Cohen
Hamody Agbaria
Hilal Zaid
Ilana Nathan
Irit Dvir
Isam Khalaila
Itshak Melzer
Jacob Gopas
Jose C. Merchuk
Karli Rosner
Leah Gheber
Maram Arafat
Mark Schvartzman
Medha Talpade
Meital Charni
Miron Landau
Moshe Elkabets
Mulugeta Semework
Niv Papo
Ofir Menashe
Ofra Halperin
Olga Rosenstein
Ramesh Gupta
Rodica Elena Ionescu
Ron (Roni) Kasher
Ronnie Fass
Rony Granek
Shimon Ben-Shabat
Shmuel Prints
Shraga Shany
Sigal Fleisher-Berkovich
Soliman Khatib
Stanislav Engel
Tamar Ben-Bassat
Tom Levy
Tomer Zidki
Tuvia Horev
Uri Zilberman
Varda Shoshan-Barmatz
Vered Kaufman-Shriqui
Yeshayahu Ben-Eliyahu
Ygal Plakht
Zeev Wiesman
Zsolt Ponya
Zsolt Pónya
Zulfiya Orynbayeva
The following is the list of articles by scholars from Ben-Gurion University that are published in OMICS International journals.
Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education
Continuing Medical Education for Community and Hospital Physicians in Israel
Peleg R, Kaplan D, Tandeter H, Shvartzman P
Research Article : J Community Med Health Educ 2018, 8:588
Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences
Technological Inventions via Art
Abraham Tamir
Opinion Article : J Civil Legal Sci 2016, 5:197
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
Comparison of Hallux Valgus Deformity Evaluation on Printed Versus Digital X-Rays
Atoun Ehud, Palmanovich Ezequiel, Feldbrin Zeev, Debi Ronen, Guy Fridman and Nyska Meir
Research Article : Clin Res Foot Ankle 2016, 3: 177
Air & Water Borne Diseases
Increasing Incidence of Human Brucellosis in Southern Israel after the Cessation of a Veterinarian Control Campaign
Ari A Shemesh and Pablo Yagupsky
Research Article : Air Water Borne Diseases 2013, 2:112
The following is the list of proceedings by scholars from Ben-Gurion University that are published in OMICS International journals and conferences.
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience The psychosocial impact of the war: The Syrian adolescentâÃâ¬Ãâ¢s refugee case in Jordan
Alean Al-Krenawi
Keynote : Int J Emerg Ment Health
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Lyso-DGTS lipid isolated from microalgae enhances PON1 activities invitro and invivo.
Soliman Khatib
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Clin Exp Pathol
Advances in Crop Science and Technology Local and global implications of ecosystem restoration of degraded arid farmland
Stefan Leu, Amir Mor-Mussery and Michael Ben-Eli
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Adv Crop Sci Tech
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Plasmonic biosensors on demand: Tunable penetration depth, compactness, ultrahigh sensitivity and enhanced spectroscopies
Ibrahim Abdulhalim
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
B Krasovitov
Keynote : Occup Med Health Aff
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Improvement in bagged lunches following an intervention in the preschool setting: A randomized controlled trial
Vered Kaufman-Shriqui, Drora Fraser, Yelena Novack, Natalya Bilenko, Hillel Vardi, Zvi Feine and Danit R Shahar
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation Facelift of PLLA: Effect of orientation on physical ageing in Poly(L-Lactic Acid) films
Gagik Ghazaryan, Raphael Schaller, Kirill Feldman and Theo A Tervoort
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Bioremed Biodeg
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Obesity and colon cancer: What is the link?
Betty Schwartz
Accepted Abstracts : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics Anti-biofilm compounds from bacterial in situ growth bacteria
Hilla Ben-Hamo1, Shimrit Laor1, Hadar Avidor1, Robert S Marks1, 2 and Ariel Kushmaro1, 2
Posters-Accepted Abstracts : Clin Pharmacol Biopharm
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Analysis of volatile organic compounds in rats with dopaminergic lesion: Possible application for early detection of ParkinsonâÃâ¬Ãâ¢s disease
Soliman Khatib
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
The following is the list of scholars from Ben-Gurion University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
David Ben-Menahem
Itshak Melzer
International Conferences 2025-26
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